Islam Ask the Imam (Q&A)


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How is the janaza prayer performed?
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if you have any questions about Islam, please do not hesitate to call 1-866-ISLAM-01

Please note that the opinions expressed by the various imams here are not necessarily the opinions of IslamiCity and there are different opinions on various subjects.

We urge you to read and reflect on the answers based on the Quran and Sunna.

Version 2

All Topics/Stories
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  • A 10 Year Old Child Fostered By Paternal Uncles
  • A 17 Year Old Stepson Lives With Her
  • A Baby Boy Touching A Baby Girl
  • A Baby Sucking The Milk Of A Woman Who Never Got Pregnant
  • A Baby Who Breastfed From A Woman Is A Milk-Sibling To All Her Children
  • A Bad Dream Will Not Necessarily Come True
  • A Bank Paying A Bonus To Encourage Its Customers To Buy With Its Credit Card
  • A Bank Taking Commission On The Warranty
  • A Banquet In The Name Of A Wali Is Shirk
  • A Baseless Claim About Entering The Mosque In A State Of Ritual Impurity
  • A Baseless Claim About Invalidating Marriage
  • A Baseless Claim About The Signs Of Approaching Death
  • A Baseless Hadeeth About Man Slapping His Wife On Her Face
  • A Baseless Hadeeth About The Prophet, Sallallaahu ^a??alayhi Wa Sallam, Receiving A Gift Of Grapes
  • A Baseless Narration About Abu Bakr, May Allaah Be Pleased With Him
  • A Baseless Narration About Jesus, May Allaah Exalt His Mention
  • A Baseless Narration About The Excellence Of Fasting
  • A Baseless Story About Obeying Allaah Through Intuition
  • A Believer Must Live With Hope For Reward And Fear Of Punishment
  • A Believer Who Fears Yielding To Temptation
  • A Bequest That Contradicts The Islamic Law Is Not To Be Executed
  • A Bequest To A Non-Heir Is Valid
  • A Bequest To A Spouse Who Is The Only Heir
  • A Biological Father As A Guardian Of Marriage
  • A Book With A Picture Of An Unveiled Woman
  • A Borrowed Motor Got Damaged
  • A Borrower Has To Pay Back The Same Amount Of Loan Regardless Of Inflation
  • A Boy Below The Age Of Puberty Is Not A Valid Witness To The Marriage Contract
  • A Bridal Ceremony Should Not Be Postponed For More Than Three Days After A Death
  • A Bride And Groom Want To Never Consummate Marriage
  • A Bridegroom Delaying Deflowering His Bride
  • A Brief Biography Of ^a??abdullaah Ibn ^a??umar, May Allaah Be Pleased With Him
  • A Broker And Selling Property To People Who Use Riba-Based Banks
  • A Broker Guarantees Profits
  • A Broker May Take A Commission, But An Employee May Not
  • A Broker Must Be Truthful And Honest
  • A Brother And Sister Bathing Together
  • A Brother Beats His Sister And Abuses Her And No One Stops Him
  • A Brother Touching His Sister With Lust
  • A Call Center Agent Linking Customers To Commercial Insurance Companies
  • A Caller To Allaah Must Comply With Islamic Regulations
  • A Case Of A Controversial Marriage And Khul'
  • A Case Of A Defective Marriage Of A New Muslim Woman
  • A Case Of A Void Secret Marriage
  • A Case Of Conditional Divorce
  • A Case Of Conditional Divorce In A Specific Context
  • A Case Of Defective Mudhaarabah
  • A Case Of Divorce In A State Of Anger
  • A Case Of Divorce Under Coercive Compulsion
  • A Case Of Doubtful Marriage And Divorce
  • A Case Of Incestuous Marriage Based On Doubt Of Lineage
  • A Case Of Invalid Khul'
  • A Case Of Marriage Without The Guardian's Knowledge
  • A Case Of Obsessive Whispers About Purification
  • A Case Of Waswaas Regarding The Impurity Of Shoes
  • A Case That Permits Asking For Divorce
  • A Cause May Not Produce Its Effect If Allaah The Almighty Wills
  • A Child Below Age Of Puberty Is Not Required To Fulfill A Promise
  • A Child Born In Less Than Six Months Pregnancy Rarely Lives
  • A Child Falling Into Actions Prohibited In The State Of Ihraam
  • A Child From Adultery What To Do?
  • A Child From Zina Does Not Inherit From His Father Even If He Married The Mother Afterwards
  • A Child Is Not As Mahram During Travel
  • A Child May Carry His Grandfather's Name As His Surname
  • A Child Not Informing His Parents About His Marriage And Delaying Its Consummation
  • A Child Refusing To Be With His Mother After Her Second Marriage
  • A Child's Guardian Does The Rituals He Is Unable To Do On His Behalf
  • A Childless Couple In Canada Needs To Accommodate An Orphan Child
  • A Christian Girl Wants To Marry A Muslim Man Against The Will Of Her Father
  • A Christian Wife Has Same Rights As Muslim Wife
  • A Christian Wife Having A Cross In The House
  • A Christian Wondering About His Fate On The Last Day
  • A Church Group Sponsoring The Building Of A House For A Muslim
  • A Circulated Story About A Jewish Neighbor Who Threw Trash On The Prophet's Doorstep
  • A Clear Case Of Waswasah (Obsessive Whisperings) About Repentance
  • A Co-Owner Has The Right To Document His Share In A Property
  • A Common Muslim Reading The Previous Divinely Revealed Books
  • A Companion From The People Of Paradise Who Never Prayed
  • A Companion Hosting The Guest Of The Prophet
  • A Companion Is He Who Met The Prophet, Sallallaahu ^a??alayhi Wa Sallam, In Reality, And Not In A Dream
  • A Company Accountant Losing Some Money Kept In His Drawer
  • A Company Lying To Its Customers
  • A Complicated Case Of Divorce
  • A Conditional Divorce Followed By An Immediate Divorce
  • A Conditional Divorce With One Of The Metaphors Of Divorce
  • A Considerable Amount Of Time For Harboring The Intention Of An Obligatory Fast
  • A Controversial Brokerage Partnership
  • A Controversial Hadeeth About The Creation Of The Universe
  • A Couple Making Waleemah For Renewing Their Marriage Contract
  • A Couple Performed Istikhaarah But Got Contradictory Results
  • A Couple Talking About The Stage Of Growth Of Their Unborn Baby
  • A Creature Having Mercy Does Not Contradict The Fact That Allaah Is Unique In Regard To Mercy
  • A Creditor Accepting His Debtor's Invitation To Dinner
  • A Creditor Asking Debtor To Pay Back Gold Instead Of The Cash He Borrowed
  • A Customer Borrowing Call Credit From His Mobile Service Provider
  • A Daughter Accusing Her Father Of Sexual Abuse
  • A Daughter Asking For Her Share In The House Of Her Mother Who Is Still Alive
  • A Daughter Gets Half The Share Of A Son, Even If She Had Provided For Her Parents
  • A Daughter Of Parental Uncle Is Not Among The Heirs
  • A Daughter Wants To Stay Unmarried
  • A Daughter's Share In Her Father's Donations To Her Siblings
  • A Dead Father Has One Sister, Six Daughters And Two Sons (One Of Them Died)
  • A Dead Fish Does Not Affect The Purity Of The Room
  • A Deal With Someone Who Intends Not To Repay His Credit
  • A Debt Is Not Annulled By The Indebted Lacking Financial Resources Or By The Death Of The Creditor
  • A Debt Is Paid Back By Returning The Borrowed Object Or Its Equivalent
  • A Debtor May Have His Debts Settled By Charitable People, Even If They Are His Grandparents
  • A Debtor Traveling To Another Country Without The Permission Of The Creditor
  • A Decrease In The Value Of Currency Does Not Change The Ruling Of Zakat
  • A Deputy Could Not Perform Hajj On Behalf Of A Deceased
  • A Dervish Is Type Of Sufi
  • A Desirable Specific Date To Enter A New House
  • A Devil Is Pursuing A Female Devil
  • A Diabetic Pregnant Woman Needing 3 To 4 Meals A Day In Ramadan
  • A Dictatorial Husband
  • A Disabled Child Is Not A Punishment For His Mother's Sins
  • A Dispute Over Diyah And Inheritance
  • A Dissolute Father Loses His Right In Fostering His Children
  • A Dissolute Mother Has No Right To Child Custody
  • A Divorce Pronounced Before Marriage Does Not Take Effect
  • A Divorced Wife Asks For Her Deferred Mahr After She Had Waived It
  • A Divorced Woman Asks Whether Or Not Her Ex-Husband Is Suitable For Fostering The Children
  • A Divorced Woman Going For ^a??umrah During Her Waiting Period
  • A Divorced Woman In Iddah Wants To Continue Her School
  • A Divorced Woman Living Alone With Her Daughters
  • A Divorced Woman With Children Who Is Responsible For Their Support?
  • A Divorcee Appears Before Her Ex-Husband's Sons
  • A Divorcee Suing Her Ex-Husband In Non-Sharee'Ah Courts
  • A Divorcee Supplicating To Allaah To Make Her Ex-Husband Take Her Back
  • A Doctor's Responsibility For His Unintended Mistake
  • A Donor Taking Back His Gift After The Donee Dies
  • A Doubtful Divorce Given In Anger
  • A Dream Is Hanging On The Leg Of A Bird Until It Is Interpreted
  • A Dream Or Vision Is No Basis For Guidance
  • A Dream That Came True
  • A Drop Of Urine Emitted During Prayer Invalidates The Prayer
  • A Drowned Person As A Martyr
  • A Drunken Husband Divorcing His Wife Via Sms
  • A European New Muslim Got A Chance To Study In Libya Far From Her Mother
  • A Fabricated Hadeeth About Abu Bakr
  • A Fabricated Hadeeth About Bread
  • A Fabricated Hadeeth About The Acceptance Of Fasting
  • A Fabricated Narration About The Crying Of Women
  • A Fake Bill Is Not Lawful
  • A False Analogy Between Wife To Man And Slave To Allaah
  • A False Narration About Giving Salaam Whilst Eating
  • A False Narration About Ibn 'Umar's Divorce Of His Wife
  • A Famous Story About Abu Haneefah's Father
  • A Fasting Person And One Who Does Not Eat
  • A Fasting Person Dips His Head Into Sea Water
  • A Fasting Person Forgetfully Eats More Than Once
  • A Fasting Person Inattentively Drinks Water
  • A Fasting Person Smelling The Smoke Of Incense, Cigarettes And Scented Candles
  • A Fasting Person Swallowing Blood During Sleep
  • A Fasting Person Telling Himself That He Wants To Eat
  • A Fasting Person Unintentionally Has Something In His Mouth
  • A Fasting Woman Sees Blood, But Is Not Sure That It Is Menstruation
  • A Father Asking His Son To Leave The House
  • A Father Can Give Zakah To His Poor Married Daughter
  • A Father Distributing His Property Among His Sons And Daughters
  • A Father Favouring His Son Over His Daughter When Dividing His Property
  • A Father Gifted One Of His Sons A Property As His Share In The Inheritance
  • A Father Gifting His Property To His Children During His Life
  • A Father Is Not Obligated To Help His Children Perform Hajj
  • A Father Is Not To Be Killed For Killing His Son Or Daughter
  • A Father Left A House But Some Inheritors Had Contributed To Its Building
  • A Father Marries The Sister Of His Son's Wife
  • A Father Performing Hajj At The Expense Of His Child
  • A Father Should Not Feel Shame If His Sons Support Him Financially
  • A Father Took His Daughter From Her Husband
  • A Father Who Does Not Provide For His Children Because They Receive Government Aid
  • A Fatwa Board In Her Country Decided Her Divorce
  • A Fellow Muslim Doesn'T Want To Talk To Him Without Reason
  • A Female Doctor Circumcising A Male Child
  • A Female Doctor Practicing In Ultrasound
  • A Female Giving A Presentation In Front Of Men
  • A Female Medical Student Practicing On The Body Of A Dead Man
  • A Female Muslim Prisoner Strip-Searched By Female Non-Muslim Prison Staff
  • A Female Obstetrician Is Given Precedence To A Male Obstetrician
  • A Female Physician May Circumcise A Boy Under Seven
  • A Female Radiologist Touches A Male Patient
  • A Female Saying "o My Beloved One" When A Specific Companion Is Mentioned
  • A Female Slave Whom The Father Enjoyed Is Forbidden To His Son
  • A Female Student Asking About The Permissibility Of Treating Men During Her Studies
  • A Female Teacher In A Mixed Staff School
  • A Female Teaching In A Mixed College
  • A Financial Policy
  • A First Wife Whose Marriage Has Not Been Registered
  • A Forbidden Form Of Rental/leasing Contract
  • A Forced Khul' Is Invalid
  • A Forged Hadeeth Stating That Allaah Was A Hidden Treasure
  • A Fornicator Is Not Obliged To Marry The Girl Whom He Fornicated With
  • A Foster-Mother's Husband Is A Suckling Foster-Father
  • A French Kiss Between Men
  • A Friend Claims To See Another Person's Sins
  • A Gift From Undivided Inherited Property To A Co-Heir
  • A Gift That The Deceased Received And Possessed Becomes Part Of His Estate
  • A Girl And Her Brother Praying In The Same Row Behind An Imaam
  • A Girl Claims That She Is His Half-Sister
  • A Girl Contacting A Marriageable Man Like A Brother
  • A Girl Forced Him To Commit Zina With Her
  • A Girl Gives Her Address To A Person Who Wants To Propose To Her
  • A Girl Is Not To Be Forced To Marry Against Her Will
  • A Girl Reaches Puberty In The Middle Of Ramadan
  • A Girl Seeing Supernatural Abilities
  • A Girl Sucked Her Own Breast
  • A Good Man Wants To Marry Her, But He Is Married
  • A Good Muslim As An Excellent Citizen
  • A Good Wife But Has No Desire For Sexual Intercourse
  • A Grandfather Can Divide His Wealth Among His Children And Grandchildren Before He Dies
  • A Grandfather Making A Will That His Pension Be Given To His Grandson
  • A Grandson's Inheritance From His Grandfather
  • A Grant Taken By Deception Must Be Returned To Donor
  • A Groom Making Nikaah Khutbah And A Bride Making Qabool
  • A Group Deserting One Of Its Members
  • A Group Making Up Their Prayer In Congregation
  • A Group Of Brothers Formed A Profit-Making Business
  • A Group Of Deaf People Praying Together In Congregation
  • A Group Of My Nation Will Remain Fighting For The Truth And Backing It Till The Day Of Resurrection
  • A Group Of Women Travelling For Entertainment Without Mahram
  • A Group Regularly Fasts On Monday And Have Iftar In The Masjid
  • A Guest Should Have His Host's Approval Before Bringing Extra Guests
  • A Guide Dog For The Blind
  • A Hadeeth About Dying Without Knowing One's Contemporary Imaam
  • A Hadeeth About Following Abu Bakr And 'Umar
  • A Hadeeth About Giving Charity To The One Who Offended You
  • A Hadeeth About Guaranteing Sanctuary And Safety To A Person
  • A Hadeeth About Neglecting Prayer
  • A Hadeeth About Not Giving Non-Muslims Priority On A Narrow Road
  • A Hadeeth About One's Learning One Verse Of Quran
  • A Hadeeth About People Loving Wealth And Forgetting Reckoning
  • A Hadeeth About Reciting The Quran With Understanding
  • A Hadeeth About Seeing The Prophet, Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, In Dreams
  • A Hadeeth About The Five Things Given To Muslims In Ramadan
  • A Hadeeth About The Moderation And Mercy Of The Prophet, Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam
  • A Hadeeth About The Muslim Soldiers Who Will Invade The City Of Caesar
  • A Hadeeth About The Reason Of Revelation Of Surah Al-Ikhlaas
  • A Hadeeth About The Two Days Which The People Of Al-Madeenah Used To Celebrate Before Islam
  • A Hadeeth About The Virtue Of Performing Two Rak'Ahs After Ablution
  • A Hadeeth About Treating Women With Honor
  • A Hadeeth About What A Muslim Should Do During Fitnah (Civil Strife)
  • A Hadeeth By Shahr Ibn Hawshab
  • A Hadeeth Encouraging Marriage From Someone Who Is A Close Relative
  • A Hadeeth Meeting The Criteria Of Al-Bukhari And/or Muslim
  • A Hadeeth On The Virtue Of Offering Gifts And Guiding Others To The Way
  • A Hadith To Cure Stammering
  • A Hadith To Strengthen Oneself By Wealth
  • A Hairbrush Made Of Pork Hair
  • A Hajj Funded By The Financial Contributions Of Muslim And Non-Muslim Staff
  • A Handsome Young Man During ^a??umar's Caliphate
  • A Heedless Person May Experience Paranormal Events
  • A Hen Whose Owner Is Unknown Wandered Into His Backyard
  • A Hermaphrodite Should Be Treated As An Opposite Sex From Both Sexes
  • A Hetero-Romantic Asexual Reading Romantic Novels
  • A Hindu Inquiring About Islam
  • A House In Paradise For Praying Twelve Optional Rak'Ahs
  • A House Which May Be "haunted"
  • A Housemaid Killing A Baby Unintentionally
  • A Husband Accusing His Wife Of Not Being A Muslim
  • A Husband And Wife Blaming Each Other For Some Negligence In Ramadan
  • A Husband Asking His Wife About The End Of Her Period
  • A Husband Asking His Wife What Sins She Did While Away
  • A Husband Bearing His Deceased Wife's Coffin
  • A Husband Behavior With Two Wives
  • A Husband Changing His Name When Concluding His Marriage Contract
  • A Husband Declaring His Wife A Disbeliever Does Not Affect Their Marriage
  • A Husband Denying That He Divorced His Wife
  • A Husband Disposing Of The Money Of His Wife
  • A Husband Divorcing His Wife After Giving Her Khul'
  • A Husband For Every Woman In Paradise
  • A Husband Forcing His Wife To Have Sex With Other Men
  • A Husband Giving Up His Right Of Divorce
  • A Husband Has No Right To Punish His Wife Like This
  • A Husband Has To Oblige His Wife To Adhere To Hijab
  • A Husband Is Mahram To His Wife's Paternal Grandmother
  • A Husband Is Not Entitled To Force Wives To Share A Single House
  • A Husband Is Not Obliged To Pay Travel Expenses For His Wife
  • A Husband Lying About What He Intended By A Metaphor Of Divorce
  • A Husband May Not Disown A Child Except By Li'Aan
  • A Husband Obliging His Wife To Perform Supererogatory Acts Of Worship
  • A Husband Performing Ruqyah For His Wife
  • A Husband Performs Hajj With His Wife's Money
  • A Husband Saying To His Wife
  • A Husband Saying To His Wife 'O Illegitimate Daughter'
  • A Husband Saying To His Wife 'You Are A Bitch'
  • A Husband Saying To His Wife 'You Can Divorce Me'
  • A Husband Saying To His Wife They Will Be Divorced If He Did Such And Such
  • A Husband Shaving His Beard Against The Will Of His Wife
  • A Husband Should Not Overburden His Wife With What Is Beyond Her Ability
  • A Husband Showing Affection To Both Wives At The Same Time
  • A Husband Swearing By His Marriage Does Not Lead To Divorce
  • A Husband Threw The Quran To The Floor In A Tantrum
  • A Husband Wants His Wife To Take Off Niqaab
  • A Husband Wants To Withdraw A Conditional Divorce
  • A Husband Who Accompanies Magicians
  • A Husband's Attitude Towards His Prayer-Negligent Wife
  • A Husband's Right Of Inheritance In Everything His Deceased Wife Left
  • A Jinni Asking A Person To Put A Mus-Haf In A Mosque
  • A Judge Marrying A Woman To Whom He Issued Verdict Of Divorce
  • A Judge May Place A Spendthrift Under Guardianship
  • A Khateeb Loses His State Of Ablution While Giving The Friday Sermon
  • A Laboratory Assistant Has No Tangible Work In His School
  • A Landlord Getting A Lump Sum Deposit From The Tenant
  • A Landslide And A Fire In Arabia Are Signs Of The Hour
  • A Language Institute Publishing The Photos Of Its Female Students
  • A Latecomer Standing To Make Up What He Missed Of The Prayer Before The Imaam's The Second Tasleem
  • A Layman Follows The View Of His Mufti
  • A Layman Is Not Sinful In Imitating The Scholars Whom He Trusts
  • A Layman May Adhere To The Easiest View Of The Scholars
  • A Legitimate Form Of Trade
  • A Legless Person Raised On Judgement Day
  • A Line Marking The End Of The Tawaaf At The Black Stone
  • A Little Dirt Preventing Water From Reaching The Skin During Ablution
  • A Living Person Should Not Preoccupy Himself With The Division Of His Estate
  • A Loan Guarantor May Perform Hajj
  • A Loan Must Be Paid As Taken, And If Not Possible, The Value Is To Be Estimated
  • A Loan Taken 10 Years Ago Has Increased In Value In The Local Currency; The Original Balance Is Due
  • A Loan That Yields A Benefit To The Lender Is Riba
  • A Loaned Item Must Be Returned Even After Lapse Of A Long Time
  • A Local Imaam Is Accused Of Magic
  • A Luqatah Should Not Be Disposed Of Before The Elapse Of A Complete Year
  • A Magician May Work Out Extraordinary Acts
  • A Maid Washing Her Own Clothes In The House Where She Works
  • A Male Doctor Giving An Injection Necessary For C-Section
  • A Male Doctor Treating A Woman
  • A Male Doctor Treating Female Patients Without Necessity
  • A Male Radiologist Taking X-Ray Images For Females
  • A Male Teacher Alone With A Male And Female Student
  • A Malicious Allegation And Its Refutation About The Obligation Of Sparing The Beard And Wearing The Hijab
  • A Man And A Woman In Separate Rooms Within The Same Building
  • A Man And Woman Contacting By E-Mail
  • A Man Applying Henna To His Hands And Feet
  • A Man Changing The Diapers Of A Female Infant
  • A Man Chooses A Religious Woman To Marry
  • A Man Died Leaving A Wife, Two Daughters, One Brother And Two Sisters
  • A Man Divorced His Wife Three Times And Still Living With Her
  • A Man Enters Upon His Wife's Mother And Sister
  • A Man Had Sexual Intercourse With His Wife Believing She Is Pure
  • A Man Imitates Women And Has Urge To Have Sex With Men
  • A Man Is Attracted To Beardless Youths But Feels Terrible About It
  • A Man Is Not Obligated To Inform His Wife About Second Marriage
  • A Man Is Not Obligated To Tell His Family About His Marriage
  • A Man Leading The Female Prison Inmates In The Friday Prayer
  • A Man Likes To Wear Women's Panties
  • A Man Living At His Parents' House After Marriage
  • A Man Marrying The Daughter Of A Woman With Whom He Committed Zina
  • A Man May Be Lured To Sin Through Inviting A Woman To Islam
  • A Man May Pray Individually Behind His Wife Who Is Also Praying Individually
  • A Man May Provide Accommodation For His Ex-Wife Who Has Custody Of His Children
  • A Man Missed A Prayer While Traveling And Remembered It Before Reaching His Destination
  • A Man Publishing His Picture Shirtless
  • A Man Receiving Oral Sex
  • A Man Refuses To Supplicate For His Dead Parents
  • A Man Shaving Another's Armpit Hair
  • A Man Taking Pictures With Women
  • A Man Teaching Quran Classes To A Group Of Ladies
  • A Man Wearing A Carnelian Ring
  • A Man Wearing A Gold Ring With A Diamond Engraved On It
  • A Man Who Committed Fornication Is Permitted To Marry A Chaste Woman If He Repents
  • A Man Who Has Sexual Intercourse With His Wife More Than Once Is Only Obliged To Have One Ghusl
  • A Man Who Proposed To Her Wants To Keep Their Plan A Secret Until After The Marriage
  • A Man Whose Parents Are Ismaili, Asks A Sunni Woman For Marriage
  • A Man Will Enter Paradise Without Any Good Deed
  • A Man Wishing To Be A Woman In Paradise
  • A Manager Making Fake Accounts To Pay For The Short Of Money He Is Not Responsible For
  • A Manager Of Orphanage Is Not Allowed To Eat From The Charity Given To The Orphans
  • A Marriage Contract Undertaken By An Unauthorized Person
  • A Marriage Contract Without Witnesses
  • A Marriage Registrar Saying 'According To The Book Of Allaah And The Sunnah Of The Prophet'
  • A Married Man Kissed A Woman And Touched Her Hand
  • A Married Man Wants To Marry A Second Woman Who Has Herpes
  • A Married Muslim Woman Found Out That She Was Born Out Of Wedlock
  • A Married Sister Breastfeeding Her 6-Month-Old Brother
  • A Married Woman Loves A Young Man She Met In A Chat Room
  • A Medical Condition Which Makes Fasting Difficult
  • A Medical Student Cannot Tolerate College Any More
  • A Member Of A Society Is Not Allowed To Take A Decision Alone
  • A Menstruating Teacher Or Student Reciting Or Touching The Quran
  • A Menstruating Woman Being In The Presence Of A Dying Person
  • A Menstruating Woman Can Eat Alone Or With Others Who Have Excuses During The Daytime In Ramadan
  • A Menstruating Woman Collecting Her Lost Hair To Wash It At The End Of Her Menses
  • A Menstruating Woman Eating And Drinking During The Day In Ramadan
  • A Menstruating Woman Fasting Before Seeing The White Discharge
  • A Menstruating Woman Having To Leave Makkah Before Completing Her 'Umrah
  • A Menstruating Woman Must Make Up For The Days Of Fasting That She Missed
  • A Menstruating Woman Reading Quran, Shaving Her Pubes And Cutting Her Nails
  • A Menstruating Woman Sleeping In The Same Bed She Uses Before Her Menses
  • A Menstruating Woman Staying At The Holy Mosque
  • A Menstruating Woman Touching The Quran For Necessity
  • A Menstruating Woman Washing The Deceased
  • A Menstruating Woman Writes Quranic Verses In The Exam
  • A Miracle Versus A Pre-Prophetic Sign
  • A Miscarried Fetus That Intercedes On His Mother's Behalf
  • A Misconception About Hamzah, May Allah Be Pleased With Him
  • A Misconception About The Interpretation Of Allaah Being Al-Dhaahir And Al-Baatin
  • A Misconception Regarding Predestination Of Actions
  • A Mistake In Ablution-Between Validity And Invalidity
  • A More Needy Non Relative Is Worthier Of Charity Than A Less Needy Relative
  • A Mosque Is Not To Be Closed On Account Of A Sin Committed Therein
  • A Mosque That Has A Grave Besides It Or In Front Of It
  • A Mother Asking Her Son To Sleep With His Wife And His Son In The Same Bed
  • A Mother Depriving Her Undutiful Son Of His Share In His Father's Estate
  • A Mother Forcing Her Son To Take A Second Wife
  • A Mother Made A Will To Divide Her Inheritance Against Shariah
  • A Mother Mixes Her Money With That Of Her Two Orphan Daughters
  • A Mother Performing Istikhaarah About Her Daughter's Marriage
  • A Mountain Of Gold In Iraq
  • A Mouse Fell Into Olive Oil And Died
  • A Mouth And Ears Are Not Attributes Of Allah
  • A Mudhaarabah Transaction With A Fixed Profit And Unfixed Tax Rate
  • A Muhrim Cutting The Hair Of Another
  • A Muhrim May Cut His Own Hair To End Ihraam
  • A Muhrim Wearing A Cloth To Which A Deodorant Is Applied
  • A Muraabahah Installment Sale With Late Fee Charge
  • A Mus-Haf Was Stained By Wine
  • A Muslim Acting As A Godparent
  • A Muslim Architect Setting Designs For Large Houses
  • A Muslim Babysitter Serving Pork To Non-Muslim Children
  • A Muslim Burying The Corpse Of A Non-Muslim
  • A Muslim Calling Himself Or His Muslim Brother A Non Muslim
  • A Muslim Couple Adopting A Non-Muslim Child
  • A Muslim Couple Wishing To Leave Their House To Their Adopted Child
  • A Muslim Died Leaving His House To The Community
  • A Muslim Doctor Referring Patients To Other Doctors Who Perform Euthanasia And Abortion
  • A Muslim Does Not Leave Islam Just By Visiting Non-Muslim Places Of Worship
  • A Muslim Follows The Truth Regardless Of The Math-Hab He Imitates
  • A Muslim Girl Living In A Non-Muslim Country Without A Mahram
  • A Muslim Girl Married A Non-Muslim Man Under The Indian Law
  • A Muslim Husband Leaving His Wife With His Muslim Friend's Family
  • A Muslim Inheriting From A Non-Belligerent Non-Muslim
  • A Muslim Is Allowed To Help Non-Muslims Who Are Not Warring With Muslims
  • A Muslim Is Not Considered To Be Financially Capable Of Hajj By Virtue Of Others' Gifts
  • A Muslim Is Not Denied The Prophet's Intercession By Leaving The Sunnah Prayers
  • A Muslim Is Not Obliged To Wear A Particular Dress
  • A Muslim Is Presumed To Be The Rightful Owner Of All Property In His Possession
  • A Muslim Jokingly Saying He Wants To Be A Christian Or A Jew
  • A Muslim Man Can Marry Up To Four Women
  • A Muslim Man Talking To A Non-Mahram Woman Who Is Older Than Him
  • A Muslim Managing The Finances Of His Non-Muslim Deceased Parent
  • A Muslim Must Fulfil Conditions Of Contract He Committed Himself To
  • A Muslim Must Not Believe Anyone Who Claims To Know The Unseen
  • A Muslim Performing Hajj Before Pardoning Those Who Have Wronged Him
  • A Muslim Receiving Free Treatment In A Non-Muslim Hospital
  • A Muslim Revert Inquiring How To Make A Will
  • A Muslim Seeking The Help Of A Kaafir
  • A Muslim Should Be Proud Of His Religion
  • A Muslim Should Not Live In Fear Of Jinn
  • A Muslim Should Obey The Laws Of The Land Unless It Contravenes The Religion
  • A Muslim Student In Uk Expresses Her Admiration For Christianity And The Church
  • A Muslim Studying Other Religions
  • A Muslim Wearing Black Clothes Below Waist
  • A Muslim Who Does Not Read The Quran
  • A Muslim Who Is Killed Unjustly Is Considered A Martyr
  • A Muslim Who Married His Sister Before He Embraced Islam
  • A Muslim Wife Has A Relation With A Christian Man And Criticizes The Quran
  • A Muslim Wife Living With Non-Muslim In-Laws
  • A Muslim Wife Practicing Reiki
  • A Muslim Woman Getting Married To A Non-Muslim Man
  • A Muslim Woman Having An Illegitimate Child In A Non-Muslim Country
  • A Muslim Woman Is Absolutely Prohibited From Marrying A Non-Muslim Man
  • A Muslim Woman Living With Her Adult Adopted Sons
  • A Muslim Woman Married A Non-Muslim And Had A Son
  • A Muslim Woman Married To A Non-Muslim Is Still Obligated To Perform Hajj
  • A Muslim Woman Moving To A Country That Bans Niqaab
  • A Muslim Woman Sharing Cutlery With A Non-Muslim Woman
  • A Muslim Woman Should Not Be Ashamed Of Wearing The Hijab
  • A Muslim Woman Treated By A Non-Muslim Expert Male Doctor
  • A Muslim Woman Uncovers Her Head In Front Of Her Non-Muslim Mother
  • A Muslim Woman Wearing The Burkini Swimsuit
  • A Muslim Woman's Marriage To A Disbeliever Is Invalid And Considered Zina
  • A Muslim Woman's Marriage To A Non-Muslim Man Is Prohibited According To Scholarly Consensus
  • A Muslim's Intention When Working
  • A Muslim's Stance On His Hijab-Negligent Sisters
  • A Muslimah's Daughter Became A Lesbian And Left The Home To Live With Her Lesbian Friend
  • A Naashiz Wife Has No Right To Financial Support From Her Husband
  • A Naked Non-Muslim Female Teacher Giving Swimming Lessons To Her Small Daughters
  • A Narration About 'Ali Beating A Slave-Girl In The Incident Of Ifk
  • A Narration About Avoiding Looking At Beardless Men
  • A Narration About Drinking Milk Mixed With Almond
  • A Narration About Dyeing One's Hair Black
  • A Narration About Haggling With The Seller
  • A Narration About Killing Moths And Beetles
  • A Narration About Neglecting A Single Prayer
  • A Narration About Owning The Device Of Sowing And Ploughing
  • A Narration About Performing The Sunnah Prayer Directly After The Obligatory Prayer
  • A Narration About Putting Hands Under Navel During The Prayer
  • A Narration About Returning From Ribaat Before Completing 40 Days
  • A Narration About Sighting The Moon If There Is Cloud Or Dust
  • A Narration About The Companion Who Wrestled A Jinn
  • A Narration About The Excellence Of Sending Salat Upon The Prophet, Sallallaahu ^a??alayhi Wa Sallam
  • A Narration About The Excellence Of Siwaak
  • A Narration About The First Muslim To Pray In Hagia Sophia
  • A Narration About The Good Characteristics Of The Romans
  • A Narration About The Non-Acceptance Of The Supplication Of The Fornicator/adulterer
  • A Narration About The Spouses Looking At Each Other's 'Awrah
  • A Narration About Visiting The Places Where The Prophets Were Born
  • A Narration About Walking In The Sun While In A State Of Ritual Impurity
  • A Narration Containing A Precaution Against Eating Much Meat
  • A Narration Denoting That Hell Will Slip From The Hands Of The Angels
  • A Narration That Huthayfah Picked Up A Fallen Morsel And Ate It
  • A Narration That Woman Should Wear Something Around Her Neck
  • A Narrative Indicating That A Mosque Cries Because No One Prays In It
  • A Narrow Area For Performing Ablution Does Not Allow Tayammum
  • A Network Marketing Company
  • A New Credit Card Issued By Qib
  • A New Day Starts At Dawn But The Islamic Month Begins At Night
  • A New Group Organized In Uk
  • A New Marriage Contract Is Necessary
  • A New Muslim Attending A Christmas Family Gathering
  • A New Muslim Fears About Informing Her Parents
  • A New Muslim Had Her Marriage Carried Out By An Imaam And Witnesses
  • A New Muslim Hanging His Wife's Picture In His Office
  • A New Muslim Has A Christian Husband In A Country Where There Is No Divorce Law
  • A New Muslim Having Poor Relations With His Non-Muslim Children
  • A New Muslim Staying In His Non-Muslim Country
  • A New Muslim Worried About The Validity Of Her Second Marriage
  • A New Revert Wants To Use Her Father's First Name As Her Surname
  • A Newborn May Have More Than One Wet-Nurse
  • A Newborn May Wear New Or Old Clothes
  • A Nine-Month-Pregnant Woman May Perform Hajj Or 'Umrah
  • A Non-Islamic Court Granted Her A Divorce From Her First Husband
  • A Non-Mahram Seeing The Photo Of A Woman When She Was A Child
  • A Non-Mahram Woman Masturbated Her Husband
  • A Non-Muslim As A Member Of The Board Of Directors Of An Islamic School
  • A Non-Muslim Cleaning The Mosque
  • A Non-Muslim Drinking Zamzam Water And Eating The Dates From Madeenah
  • A Non-Muslim Entering A Muslim Cemetery To Bury A Relative
  • A Non-Muslim Entering Upon A Muslim While Praying Has No Effect On The Prayer
  • A Non-Muslim Girl Admiring The Islamic Hijab
  • A Non-Muslim Giving The Friday Khutbah
  • A Non-Muslim Greeting Muslims
  • A Non-Muslim Man Cannot Be A Guardian For A Muslim Woman
  • A Non-Muslim Man Raping A Muslim Married Woman In A Non-Muslim Country
  • A Non-Muslim May Not Be Witness To A Muslim Marriage Contract
  • A Non-Muslim Parent Is Not Entitled To Custody Of Muslim Children
  • A Non-Muslim Son Embracing Islam Before The Division Of His Father's Inheritance
  • A Non-Muslim Wants To Leave Custody Of Her Children To A Muslim Should She Die
  • A Non-Muslim Woman Wants To Divorce Her Muslim Husband
  • A Non-Muslim Woman Wants To Marry Her Muslim Friend
  • A Nursing Mother May Have A Period
  • A Parent Reminding His Children Of His Favour Upon Them
  • A Partner Taking A Commission On Each Deal He Buys
  • A Paternal Uncle Is Permitted To Discipline His Nephew
  • A Patient Of Acute Eosinophilia Performing Tayammum
  • A Percentage Of Procurement Value Is Given To Government Procurement Officers As A Bribe
  • A Perfect Daily Program
  • A Person Buried In The Soil From Which He Was Created
  • A Person Cannot Be Judged To Enter Paradise Or Hell Except With A Religious Text
  • A Person Has Free Will, Accordingly He Is Punished Or Rewarded
  • A Person In A State Of Janaabah In No Way Affects Others
  • A Person In A State Of Janaabah Is Permitted To Go Out Before Ghusl
  • A Person In Janaabah Reciting The Quran By His Heart
  • A Person Is Not Accountable For Religious Proofs He Does Not Understand
  • A Person Is Not Excused For Blind Following After Clear-Cut Evidence Is Established Against Him
  • A Person Is Not Obliged To Save Money To Be Able To Perform Hajj
  • A Person Is Not Required To Assume Ihram Before The Meeqat
  • A Person Is Not Responsible For Their Dreams
  • A Person Killed By The Prophet, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, In Battle
  • A Person May Have Premonitions About His Imminent Death
  • A Person Suffering From Urine Incontinence In A State Of Janabah
  • A Person Took A Credit And Promised To Give It Back With Profit, But He Cheated Me
  • A Person Who Abandons The Prayer Remains A Mahram
  • A Person Who Believes That Applying Man-Made Laws Is Disbelief Is Not A Kharijite
  • A Person Who Only Performs The Obligatory Prayers Proposed To Marry Her
  • A Person Who Repents From Apostasy Or Blasphemy
  • A Person With An Unpleasant Odor Should Not Enter The Mosque
  • A Person With Urinary Incontinence Reading Quran And Entering The Mosque
  • A Picture Of The Prophet In A Book
  • A Pilgrim Covers His Feet With A Garment While Sleeping
  • A Pilgrim Dies Before Performing Tawaf Al-Ifaadhah
  • A Pilgrim Is Forbidden To Wear A Dress Dyed With Saffron
  • A Pilgrim May Throw The Pebbles At Anytime While He Is At Mina
  • A Pilgrim Not Spending The Night In Mina Due To Tiredness
  • A Pilgrim Offering Udh-Hiyah
  • A Pilgrim Staying Overnight Outside The Boundaries Of Mina
  • A Pilgrim Throwing The Pebbles Before The Sun Passes The Meridian
  • A Pilgrim Wants To Optionally Fast On Monday And Thursday
  • A Place Of Prayer Does Not Acquire The Same Legal Consequences As A Masjid
  • A Poor Man Should Work To Earn Provisions Of Marriage
  • A Poor Religious Man Proposing To Marry Her
  • A Poor Understanding Of The Qur'An
  • A Possible Case Of Possession By Jinn
  • A Prayer For Leaving And Entering The House And The Virtues Of Voluntary Prayers At Home
  • A Praying Person Alerting Another Beside Him In Prayer
  • A Praying Person Bowing Down To The Ground To Pick Up Something
  • A Praying Person Doing Prostration Of Quran Recitation Unlike His Imaam
  • A Praying Person Performing The Prostration Of Recitation In Surah Al-Alaq
  • A Praying Person Reciting Al-Faatihah After A Short Surah
  • A Praying Person Reciting The Quran While Listening To Quran Audio
  • A Praying Person Unintentionally Swallowing Remnants Of Food Between His Teeth
  • A Pregnant Wants To Fast But Is Worried About Her Baby
  • A Pregnant Woman Abstains From Living In Her Marital Home Because Of Finding Some Odors Repulsive
  • A Pregnant Woman Did Not Spend The Night In Mina
  • A Pregnant Woman Does Not Have Menses
  • A Pregnant Woman Is Permitted To Delay Making Up Missed Days Of Fasting If She Fears For Her Fetus
  • A Pregnant Woman Seeing Blood During The Day In Ramadan
  • A Pregnant Woman Seeing Blood Two Days Before Delivery
  • A Pregnant Woman Using Creams With Urea
  • A Pregnant Woman With Diabetes Who Has To Make Up For Missed Days
  • A Pregnant Woman's Need For Psychological And Physical Rest
  • A Pregnant Woman's Water Broke Before Thuhr Prayer
  • A Professional Ruqyah Therapist Can Expel A Jinn
  • A Promised Fixed Return On Investment Is Riba
  • A Prophetic Medicine For Eye Diseases
  • A Question About Two Fabricated Statements
  • A Question That Reflects Obsessive Whispers Regarding Impurity
  • A Questionable Computer Game
  • A Questionable Marriage In Usa
  • A Quick Manner To Make Up The Prayers Missed For Years
  • A Rebellions Sister Toward Islam
  • A Recalcitrant Wife Loses Her Marital Rights
  • A Religious Girl Wants To Marry Him, But She Is Not Beautiful
  • A Religious Innovation To Sacrifice At The Grave
  • A Religious Woman Is The Optimum Choice For Marriage, Even For A Sinner
  • A Religious, Well-Mannered Suitor Should Not Be Turned Down
  • A Remittance Company Taking Additional Charges For Delayed Payment
  • A Repentant Adulterer Will Not Be Deprived Of Houris
  • A Repentant Apostate Makes Up Missed Prayers
  • A Resident Physician Made A Mistake In Treating A Patient
  • A Revocably-Divorced Woman Marrying Without Knowing That Her Husband Has Taken Her Back
  • A Sadistic Husband Considering His Wife As A Slave
  • A Saheeh Or Hasan Hadeeth May Have Another Chain Of Narration That Is Mursal
  • A Sale That Involves Risk Is Impermissible
  • A Sale With A Price-Affecting Condition
  • A Sales Engineer Paid A Fixed Salary And A Percentage Of The Sales
  • A Sales Manger Taking Commission From Both Buyer And Seller
  • A Salesman Wearing Niqaab To Show Customers
  • A Satanic Question
  • A Satanic Trick Under The Cover Of Exchanging Presents
  • A Saudi National Asks For Her Philippino Daughter's Hand
  • A Schizophrenic's Wealth Is Liable For Zakah
  • A Scholarship Offered By A Brewery
  • A School Assignment That Requires Watching Movies
  • A Second Marriage Before The End Of 'Iddah Is Null And Void
  • A Second Wife Has Her Share In Her Husband's Estate
  • A Second Wife Treated Unjustly
  • A Second Wife Whose Husband Denies Her Rights
  • A Sect Called Shehhler
  • A Secular Court Wants To Discuss With Him His Sex Life With His Ex-Wife
  • A Shaykh Giving Letters For Protection From Jinn
  • A Shaykh Granted Her Khul' Without Any Attempt At Reconciliation
  • A Sheep Is To Be Offered By Only One Person As Udh-Hiyah
  • A Short Biography Of Ibn ^a??arraaq Al-Kinaani
  • A Sick Died Before Collected Donations Were Spent On Him
  • A Sick Person Giving Charity To Repel His Illness
  • A Sick Person Is Allowed To Delay Missed Fasts Until Recovery
  • A Sick Person May Break His Fast Regardless Of When He Will Recover
  • A Sick Person Must Perform Ritual Purity According To His Ability
  • A Sick Person Standing Alone On The Left Side Of The Imaam
  • A Sign Of The Hour 50 Women For Every Man
  • A Sinner Is Given His Record In His Left Hand
  • A Sister Refusing To Serve Her Siblings Who Spend On Her
  • A Slaughterer Has To Mention The Name Of Allah While Slaughtering
  • A Sleeve Is Not A Place For Wiping
  • A Small Percentage Of Alcohol In Cosmetic Products
  • A Society Giving Loans On A Fixed Profit Basis
  • A Son As A Marriage Guardian In Marrying Off His Mother
  • A Son Beating His Father In Retaliation
  • A Son Cleaning His Sick Elderly Mother And Giving Her A Bath
  • A Son Does Not Inherit From His Step-Mother
  • A Son Insulted His Mother And Tried To Hit Her
  • A Son Is Disallowed To Wash His Mother's Back
  • A Son May Pay Deferred Dowry On Behalf Of His Father
  • A Son Saying Aameen When His Christian Mother Supplicates Good For Him
  • A Son Stealing Money From His Father
  • A Son Taking Back A Gift He Had Given To His Mother Before Her Death
  • A Son Washing The Dead Body Of His Mother
  • A Sorcerer And A Quran Therapist
  • A Special Secret Whispered To 'Ali Ibn Abi Taalib, May Allaah Be Pleased With Him
  • A Specified Mahr Is Binding If The Wife Passes Away Before The Consummation Of Marriage
  • A Spouse Neglecting The Prayer-Marriage Is Valid
  • A Sri Lankan Muslim Supporting The Pakistani Cricket Team
  • A Statement Attributed To Ibn Al-Qayyim
  • A Statement Falsely Attributed To 'Umar, May Allaah Be Pleased With Him
  • A Stolen Item Is Not Ritually Impure
  • A Stomach Discharge While Sleeping And Its Impact On The Validity Of Fasting
  • A Strong Believer Having Complete Submission And Humility To Allaah
  • A Suitor Who Does Not Meet Her Expectations
  • A Suitor Who Does Not Pray And Listens To Music Should Be Rejected
  • A Suitor With These Bad Qualities Will Not Be A Good Husband
  • A Supererogatory Act Cannot Suffice In Place Of An Obligatory One
  • A Superstition About Itching In The Right Hand
  • A Superstitious Belief About Pets
  • A Superstitious Explanation For Parents' Sickness
  • A Supplication To Be Recited As A Protection Against Swine Flu
  • A Supplication To Get Protection From The Devil For The Entire Day
  • A Surgeon Doing Tubal Ligation For Women
  • A Taste Of Blood In The Mouth Is Pardonable In Terms Of Impurity
  • A Teacher Of Al-Aqeedah (Creed) Finds Another Teaching Sufism And Theology
  • A Teenager Resisting Bad Thoughts
  • A Tennis Player Is Falsely Declared Winner Or Loser By The Referee
  • A Test On The Day Of Judgment For Whoever Did Not Receive The Message Of Islam
  • A Text On Website Generating The Qur'An
  • A Third Athaan For The Fajr Prayer
  • A Third Divorce Is Irrevocable
  • A Time Will Come Upon Man When It Will Be Difficult To Save His Religion
  • A Time Will Come Upon My Ummah When They Will Be Practicing Ten Percent Of Islam
  • A Time-Free Vow Should Immediately Be Fulfilled
  • A Tomb Built With Baked Bricks, What To Do?
  • A Translator Translating And Proofreading Articles Of Kufr
  • A Transplanted Kidney And Ability To Fast
  • A Travel Agent Charging Clients Extra Money
  • A Traveler Can Combine The Prayers Only After Starting His Journey
  • A Traveler Had Sexual Intercourse With His Wife After Returning During The Daytime In Ramadan
  • A Traveler Led In Prayer By A Resident
  • A Traveler Making Up Thuhr And ^a??asr Prayers After Maghrib
  • A Traveler Returning To His Country At The End Of Ramadan
  • A Traveler Wiped Over His Socks And Then Resided
  • A Traveller And A Resident Leading Each Other In Prayer
  • A Troubled Marriage Because Of Arguing Over Money
  • A Troubled Marriage Needing A Resolution
  • A University Student Unable To Offer Friday Prayer
  • A Useful Summary About Shortening And Combining Prayers In Travel
  • A Valid Nikah
  • A Valid Sale Contract Becomes Binding Once It Is Concluded
  • A Valid Yet Rewardless Hajj
  • A Veterinarian Treating Sick Pig
  • A Video Game Involves Stealing Or Killing; Is It Permissible?
  • A Village Committee Building A Mosque With Unlawful Money
  • A Vow Conditional On Marriage
  • A Vow Does Not Become Binding From Intention Only
  • A Vow Does Not Take Place Except With Absolute Words
  • A Vow Is Either Timed Or Time-Free And Neither Expire With The Passage Of Time
  • A Vow Is Not Binding Unless Its Formula Suggests So
  • A Vow Must Be Fulfilled In The Same Way As Specified
  • A Vow Must Be Fulfilled In The Way It Was Made, Without Substitution
  • A Vow Should Be Fulfilled Each Time Its Condition Is Fulfilled
  • A Vow Should Be Fulfilled Exactly As Specified By The Vow-Taker
  • A Vow To Slaughter An Animal Sacrifice And Offer Its Reward To The Deceased Must Be Fulfilled
  • A Waiter Favoring Rich With Special Treatment To Get Gratuity
  • A Waliyy
  • A Weak Hadeeth About Reciting Al-Ikhlaas Chapter 200 Times
  • A Weak Hadeeth About Tawakkul
  • A Weak Hadeeth Cited By At-Tabaraani About Signs Of The Hour
  • A Weak Narration About 'Aa'Ishah Saying You Are The One Who Pretends To Be The Prophet Of Allaah
  • A Weak Narration About Homosexuality
  • A Weak-Minded Person Is Not Given Access To His Share Of Inheritance
  • A Wedding Dress Must Maintain Modesty And Covering
  • A Wedding Party With Music
  • A Wet Dream On The Day Of Ramadan Does Not Invalidate Fasting
  • A Widow Attending Her Son's Wedding During Her Iddah
  • A Widow Dedicating Herself To Taking Care Of Her Orphan Children
  • A Widow Leaving Her House To Attend Her Husband's Funeral In Another Village
  • A Widow May Go Out During Her Waiting Period For A Need
  • A Widow May Remain Unmarried If She Does Not Fear Temptation
  • A Widow Shaves Her Pubic Hair During The ^a??iddah
  • A Widow Talking With Her Maharim During Her Waiting Period
  • A Widow Travelling In Her Waiting Period Without Necessity
  • A Widow Using A Frozen Embryo Fertilized By Her Husband Before His Death
  • A Widow Using Her Dead Husband's Frozen Semen For Artificial Insemination
  • A Widow Wants To Benefit Her Deceased Husband
  • A Wife Allowing Her Husband To Have Sexual Intercourse With Her When She Is Not Observing Fast For An Excuse
  • A Wife Bringing Child From Previous Marriage Into Home Of New Husband
  • A Wife Contacting Her Ex-Husband To Discuss The Future Of Their Child
  • A Wife Criticizing Her Husband For Being Sterile
  • A Wife Delaying Sexual Intercourse Until Her Wedding Is Done
  • A Wife Died After She Had Inherited From Her First Husband
  • A Wife Disobeying Her Husband Not Knowing That It Is Obligatory On Her To Obey Him
  • A Wife Giving Her Zakah On Jewelry To Her Needy Husband
  • A Wife Helping Her Family Financially Without Her Husband's Knowledge
  • A Wife Is Entitled To Have A Separate Accommodation
  • A Wife Is Not Obliged To Provide For Her Family Or Serve In-Laws
  • A Wife Is Not Obliged To Visit Her Co-Wife
  • A Wife Is Not To Be Blamed If She Wakes Her Husband Up And He Refuses
  • A Wife Letting Her Brother Sleep In Her Absent Husband's Bed
  • A Wife May Not Desert Her Family For Worship
  • A Wife May Not Use Her Co-Wife's Belongings Without Her Permission
  • A Wife May Wear Whatever Clothes Her Husband Wishes
  • A Wife Mourns Her Husband For 4 Months And 10 Days
  • A Wife Not Having An Orgasm
  • A Wife Performing Ghusl To Her Ill Or Deceased Husband
  • A Wife Refusing Her Mother-In-Law To Live With Her
  • A Wife Reminding Her Husband And Children Of Her Favors Towards Them
  • A Wife Removes Her Head Cover Before Her Mother-In-Law Who Belongs To The People Of The Book
  • A Wife Renouncing A Part Of Her Delayed Dowry
  • A Wife Saving Some Of Her Husband's Money Without His Permission
  • A Wife Seeking To Divorce Her Husband
  • A Wife Should Help Her Husband Be Kind To His Parents And Siblings
  • A Wife Should Not Refuse To Move With Her Husband To Any Place Without A Valid Reason
  • A Wife Spends On The House Without The Husband's Approval
  • A Wife Staying Alone With Her Father-In-Law
  • A Wife Stipulating That Her Husband Should Not Beat Her
  • A Wife Stipulating That She And Her Husband Remain Friends Until She Loves Him
  • A Wife Traveling With Her Son Against The Will Of Her Abusive Neglectful Husband
  • A Wife Undergoing Plastic Surgery
  • A Wife Who Beats Her Husband
  • A Wife's Maintenance
  • A Wife's Vow To Fast
  • A Wife, Who Did Not Perform Hajj, Authorizing Someone To Perform Hajj On Behalf Of Her Late Husband
  • A Will For An Heir Is Invalid Except If All Heirs Approve
  • A Will Must Conform To The Sharee'Ah
  • A Woman Addressing A Gathering Of Men And Women
  • A Woman And Her Guardian Disagreeing Over The Amount Of Her Mahr
  • A Woman Asking A Married Man To Marry Her
  • A Woman Asking For Khul' May Relinquish Her Delayed Mahr
  • A Woman Beautifying Herself For Her Husband
  • A Woman Being Massaged By Another Woman
  • A Woman Braiding Her Hair With Fabric Threads
  • A Woman Breastfeeding Her Baby While Fasting
  • A Woman Broke Her Fast 20 Years Ago Because Of Breastfeeding
  • A Woman By Nature Follows A Husband With Strong Determination
  • A Woman Calling The Athaan In The Ear Of The Newborn
  • A Woman Can Get Pregnant During The First Six Months After Delivery
  • A Woman Can Live Alone Without A Mahram
  • A Woman Can Menstruate After 50 Years
  • A Woman Claiming That Her Guardian Is Not Eligible To Marry Her Off
  • A Woman Conceals Her Adultery From Her Husband
  • A Woman Conducting A Marriage Contract For Herself Or For Others
  • A Woman Covering Her Hair In Front Of Her Mahrams
  • A Woman Dancing In Front Of Mahrams And To Obey Husband
  • A Woman Dividing Her Hair Into Two Separate Bundles
  • A Woman Doing Ivf May Abstain From Fasting Upon The Advice Of A Reliable Doctor
  • A Woman Drags Her Garment's Tail And It Gathers Dirt
  • A Woman Dying Due To Womb-Cancer; A Martyr?
  • A Woman Dying Part Of Her Hair With Other Than Black
  • A Woman Examined By Men
  • A Woman Experienced Bleeding For Months And Quit Praying And Fasting
  • A Woman Exposes Her Face Before Her Husband's Maternal Grandfather
  • A Woman Forgot The Number Of Missed Fasts That She Has To Make Up For
  • A Woman Getting Her Clothes Stitches By A Male Tailor
  • A Woman Getting Religious Knowledge From Another Woman
  • A Woman Giving Her Consent To Her Marriage Instead Of Her Guardian
  • A Woman Going For ^a??umrah With Her Sister And Brother In-Law
  • A Woman Going Out While Applying Foundation On Her Face
  • A Woman Having A Miscarriage After The Embryo Had A Human Form
  • A Woman Having A Routine Cervical Smear Test
  • A Woman Having An Orgasm Without Discharge
  • A Woman Having Small Blood Clots Before Or After Her Menses
  • A Woman In Menses And The Night Of Decree
  • A Woman In Menses Cleansing Herself After Urinating
  • A Woman In Menses Is Not Obliged To Wash Her Private Parts
  • A Woman In The Mourning Period Answering The Telephone
  • A Woman Infected With Herpes Should Inform Her Future Husband Of Her Condition
  • A Woman Interrupts The Men's Rows In Prayer
  • A Woman Inviting A Non-Muslim Man To Islam
  • A Woman Is Entitled To Her Mahr Even If She Married Without A Guardian
  • A Woman Is Not Allowed To Call The Athaan Or The Iqaamah
  • A Woman Is Not Obliged To Perform The Friday Prayer
  • A Woman Is Not Obliged To Tell People How Many Times She Was Divorced
  • A Woman Is Not Obliged To Wash Vaginal Discharges
  • A Woman Is Not Permitted To Say To Her Husband 'You Are Prohibited For Me Like My Father And Brother'
  • A Woman Is Rewarded For Her Deeds Just Like A Man
  • A Woman Is Sought For Marriage For Four Reasons
  • A Woman Joins Her Husband In Paradise
  • A Woman Obliged By Her Employer To Travel Without A Mahram
  • A Woman Other Than His Real Mother Claims To Be His Mother
  • A Woman Paying School Fees After Athaan Of Jumu'Ah
  • A Woman Performing ^a??eed Prayer At Home
  • A Woman Performing Ablution After Experiencing Vaginal Discharge
  • A Woman Performing Hajj Bears The Expenses Of The Mahram Accompanying Her
  • A Woman Pointing At A Non-Mahram Man
  • A Woman Praying The Friday Prayer Inside Her House Which Is Next To The Mosque
  • A Woman Putting Her Picture In Her E-Mail Profile
  • A Woman Raising Her Sister's Daughters Does Not Make Her A Mother To Them Unless There Is Another Reason
  • A Woman Removing Her Earrings During Ghusl
  • A Woman Renting A Locker In A Ladies ^a?? Only Commercial Bank
  • A Woman Riding A Bicycle Or A Horse In Public
  • A Woman Seeing Spots Of Blood Throughout The Whole Ramadan
  • A Woman Shaking Hands With Boys
  • A Woman Shaving Her Head To Treat Alopecia
  • A Woman Shortens Her Hair To Look Beautiful Before Her Husband
  • A Woman Should Conceal The Area Between Her Neck And Chin In Prayer
  • A Woman Should Not Respond To Husband's Odd Sexual Behavior
  • A Woman Should Not Travel Without A Mahram Whether Her Travel Is Long Or Short
  • A Woman Should Not Wear Niqab During ^a??umrah Or Hajj
  • A Woman Showing Part Of Her Hair In Prayer Or Outside The Prayer In Front Of Non-Mahram Men
  • A Woman Sitting With Men In The Same Place
  • A Woman Starting Menstruating During Hajj
  • A Woman Staying All The Day In Al-Masjid Al-Haraam
  • A Woman Staying At Home For 40 Days After Giving Birth
  • A Woman Suckled Two Children For An Evil Intention
  • A Woman Taking Bath While Standing
  • A Woman Taking Care Of Elderly People In Their Homes
  • A Woman Taking Contraceptive Pills To Fast The Whole Ramadan
  • A Woman Taking Off Her Clothes In Other Than Her Husband's House
  • A Woman Taking Off Her Hijab In Front Of A Blind Man
  • A Woman Taking Off Her Hijab In Front Of Her Grandmother's Brother
  • A Woman Tasting Food During The Day In Ramadan
  • A Woman Throwing Her Illegitimate Child On The Street
  • A Woman Touching A Blind Non-Mahram Man To Guide Him
  • A Woman Travelling To Hajj With A Non-Practicing Mahram
  • A Woman Trying To Improve Her Appearance
  • A Woman Uncovering Her Face In Front Of Her Non-Mahram Relatives
  • A Woman Unveiling Her Face In Front Of Disabled Boy
  • A Woman Using A Big Hair Clip
  • A Woman Vows To Fast Without Her Husband's Permission
  • A Woman Washing Clothes While In A State Of Ritual Impurity
  • A Woman Wearing Her Hair Up At Home
  • A Woman Wearing Light Make Up When Going Out Of Her House
  • A Woman Wearing Perfume When Going Out To A Women-Only Gathering
  • A Woman Wearing Socks During Ihraam
  • A Woman Wearing Thick High Heels
  • A Woman Who Is Traveling
  • A Woman Who Supports Herself Should Pay Her Own Zakah Al-Fitr
  • A Woman Who Took Care Of A Child Does Not Replace His/her Biological Mother
  • A Woman Who Wears The Niqaab Uncovering Her Face In Ihraam
  • A Woman Whose Hand Was Uncovered Handing A Letter To The Prophet
  • A Woman Whose Pregnancy Was Miscarried In The Second Month Breaking Her Fast
  • A Woman With Known And Noble Lineage Is Better
  • A Woman With Vaginal Bleeding Outside The Menstrual Period Making Up For Fasting
  • A Woman Without Husband Or Unmarriageable Relative
  • A Woman Working As Cleaner In Al-Masjid Al-Haraam
  • A Woman's Awrah Before Other Muslim Women
  • A Woman's Behavior After Husband's Death
  • A Woman's Family Are More Entitled To Give Her In Marriage
  • A Woman's Father's Son From Zina Is Not A Mahram To Her
  • A Woman's Marriage Without Her Guardian's Consent Is Null And Void
  • A Woman's Wears Hijab During Ramadan And All Other Times As Well
  • A Women Praying Two-Rak'Ahs On Arrival From A Journey
  • A Worker Has No Much Work To Do During Work Time
  • A Worker Praying Sitting So That His Boss Would Not See Him Praying
  • A Worshipper Prostrating On The Back Or Feet Of The Worshipper In Front Of Him
  • A Would-Be Husband Asks About Supplications To Say When Getting Married And Before Having Sex With His Wife
  • A Written Divorce Is Effective If The Husband Actually Intends It
  • A Written Divorce Takes Place If The Husband Intends It
  • A Written Divorce With Intention Counts As Divorce
  • A Young Boy Treating Incurable Diseases
  • A Young Man May Propose Marriage Directly If Done With Decency
  • A Young Man Seeing A Girl's Menstrual Blood
  • A Young Man Wants To Marry Girl Aged 13
  • Aa'Ishah Placing Her Finger In Her Mouth
  • Aadam Did Not Send Other Prophets In His Own Name
  • Aadam Herded Sheep, Based On The Generality Of The Hadeeth
  • Aadam Was A Prophet
  • Aaminah Bint Wahb Died At Twenty
  • Aaron As A Boy's Name
  • Aayat Al-Kursiy
  • Abandoning A Scholar's Fatwa About Divorce After Acing Upon It
  • Abandoning Fellow Muslim For More Than Three Days
  • Abandoning Food That Increases The Problem Of Passing Wind During Prayer
  • Abandoning Ghusl For Janabah
  • Abandoning Hijab While Relying On Other Good Deeds
  • Abandoning Magicians And Treating Magic
  • Abandoning Marriage For Fear Of Bad Children
  • Abandoning Niqaab
  • Abandoning Prayer Does Not Invalidate Marriage Contract
  • Abandoning Prayer For Fear Of Showing Off
  • Abandoning Prayer In Mosque To Avoid Tableeghis
  • Abandoning Some Rites Of Islam
  • Abandoning The Friday Khutbah
  • Abandoning The Prayer By One Who Is Ill, Unconvinced Of Performing It, Is A Great Danger
  • Abandoning The Prayer Is Not Apostasy
  • Abandoning Wife For Three Years
  • Abbreviations Used For The Prophet And His Companions
  • Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani
  • Abidance By Islam Is The Solution In Non-Observant Societies
  • Abiding By Stipulations For Oem Software Use
  • Abiding By Teachings Of Islam To Achieve Worldly Benefits
  • Abiding By Terms And Conditions Of University
  • Abiding By The Rules Of Islam & Punishment
  • Abiding By The Sighting Of The New Moon In One's Country Of Residence
  • Ability To Stand Changes While Praying
  • Ablution
  • Ablution (Wudu) And Nail Polish
  • Ablution Alone Is Not Regarded A Valid Intention (For Prayer)
  • Ablution And Physical Contact
  • Ablution And Prayer Of A Person Who Had A Colostomy Surgery
  • Ablution And Prayer Of Someone Who Suffers From An Ulcer
  • Ablution And Prayer When Suffering From Anal Discharges
  • Ablution And The Use Of Oil On Skin
  • Ablution And The Wiping Of Socks
  • Ablution And Touching The Buttocks
  • Ablution And Wiping Over Socks For Someone Who Has Urinary Incontinence
  • Ablution Before Going To Bed
  • Ablution For Attending The Funeral
  • Ablution For Menstruating Woman To Protect Herself Against Satan
  • Ablution Inside Toilet
  • Ablution Is Necessary After Passing Wind
  • Ablution Is Not Obligatory Before Nursing A Baby
  • Ablution Not Obligatory At Time Of Breaking The Fast
  • Ablution Of Someone Who Places Artificial Skin On His Scalp
  • Ablution While Having Silicone On The Head
  • Ablution In The Bathroom
  • Ablution Invalidated By Touching Private Parts
  • Ablution Nail Polish
  • Ablution Purification - Women's
  • Ablution The Concept Behind It
  • Ablution Undressed After Ablution
  • Ablution What Invalidates It & Certain Misgivings
  • Abnormal Relationship Between Women
  • Abnormality Due To The Negligence Of His Mother
  • Aborted Her Illegitimate Child Though Fornicator Wanted It
  • Aborting A Fetus Diagnosed With Sickle Cell Disease
  • Aborting An Illegitimate Fetus Is Prohibited And Encourages Crime
  • Aborting Fetus With Lethal Gene
  • Abortion
  • Abortion - Euthanasia - Animals
  • Abortion Birth Control Measure ?
  • Abortion Is It Murder?
  • Abortion Out Of Wedlock
  • Abortion After Being Raped
  • Abortion For Fetus With Down's Syndrome
  • Abortion Is Permissible If Mother Harmed
  • Abortion Of Fetus With Down Syndrome
  • Abortion On Medical Grounds
  • Abortion Or Permanent Contraception If Pregnancy Harms Wife
  • Abortion When Is It Allowed?
  • Abortion, Cloning, Lariba Bank
  • Abortion Female Child
  • Abortion In Case Of Birth Defects
  • Abortion In Case Of Rape
  • Abortion In Case Of Rape Or Incest
  • Abortion In The Perspective Of Islam And Christianity
  • Abortion Rape
  • Abortion Repentance In Case Of
  • Abortion Where To Find Information On The Islamic View Of It?
  • About 500 Quranic Verses Are Related To Legal Rulings
  • About Az-Zaboor (The Book Of Psalms)
  • About Devil And Jinn
  • About Ibn Taymiyyah's Approach To Tafseer
  • About Jilsat-Ul-Istiraahah Before Standing Up From Prostration
  • About Showing Preference To One Child In Gift-Giving
  • About The Book 'As-Sunnah' By Abdullaah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
  • About The Controversial Narrator In Hadeeth Forbidding Killing Frogs
  • About The Fate Of Banu Quraythah
  • About The Hijri And Solar Calendars
  • About The Qaadiriyyah, Or Hari Pagri, Sect
  • About The Throne And Its Pillars
  • About To Get Married And Has Whispers About Semen
  • About Word 'Rabwah' In Verse 2265
  • Abraham Being Ordered To Sacrifice His Son
  • Abrahamic Faiths
  • Abrar As A Girl's Name
  • Abrogated Quranic Verses, And Other Issues
  • Abrogated Verses Of The Quran
  • Abrogation Of The Verse Ordering The Confinement Of An Adulteress In A House
  • Abrogation Of Verse [2240] By Verse [2234]
  • Absence Of Husband For More Than Two Years
  • Absence Of Shower Or Bathtub Not Valid Reason For Dry Ablution
  • Absolute Evidence In Quran And Sunnah That The Disbelievers Shall Abide Perpetually In Hellfire
  • Absolutely Forbidden To Marry One's Aunt
  • Abstaining From Fulfilling Bequest Results In Sin
  • Abstaining From Marriage Because One's Parents Want Him To Spend Lavishly On His Wedding
  • Abstaining From Marriage For Personal Reasons
  • Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq As A Name For One's Son
  • Abu Bakr And Umar's Presence At The Prophet's, Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, Burial
  • Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq's Children
  • Abu Bakr Delivered Two Sermons Following The Death Of The Prophet, Sallallaahu ^a??alayhi Wa Sallam
  • Abu Bakr Left Trade When He Became Caliph
  • Abu Bakr Was The First Free Man To Believe In Prophet, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam
  • Abu Dharr Al-Ghifaari, May Allaah Be Pleased With Him
  • Abu Hamid Al-Gazali
  • Abu Haneefah Narrated Knowledge On The Authority Of Ja'Far As-Saadiq And Muhammad Al-Baaqir
  • Abu Haneefah's Stance Towards 'Ilm Al-Kalaam
  • Abu Haneefah's View On Istiwaa' Over Throne
  • Abu Haneefah's View On The Beard
  • Abu Hayyaan At-Tawheedi
  • Abu Hurayrah Forbidding His Daughter From Wearing Gold
  • Abu Hurayrah's Hadeeth About His Two Kinds Of Knowldge
  • Abu Mansoor Al-Maatureedi
  • Abu Sufyaan, May Allaah Be Pleased With Him, Died As A Muslim
  • Abu Tharr Had Dark Complexion But Was Not Of African Descent
  • Abu Yazeed Al Bastamy
  • Abu-Al-Waleed-Al-Baaji's Book 'Al-Muntaqa'
  • Abul-Khattaab Ibn Dihyah
  • Abused Her Husband And His Family Because Of Their Interference And She Is Depressed
  • Abused His Retarded Aunt Sexually
  • Abusive Behavior While Arguing
  • Abusive Controlling Husband
  • Abusive Husband Using Marijuana
  • Academic Failure Does Not Justify Religious Violations
  • Acceptable And Unacceptable Differences
  • Acceptable Hajj
  • Acceptance Of A Suitor Who Does Not Offer Congregational Prayers
  • Acceptance Of Prayer After Drinking Alcohol
  • Acceptance Of Righteous Deeds From One Who Commits Zina
  • Acceptance Of Umrah By Allaah
  • Acceptance Of Wife's Prayer When Husband Is Angry With Her
  • Accepting A Donation To The Islamic Centre From A Woman Whose Earnings Are Not Halaal
  • Accepting A Copy Of The Bible So That A Kaafir Will Agree To Accept A Copy Of The Qur'Aan
  • Accepting A Gift
  • Accepting A Gift For Helping Students Solve Exam Questions
  • Accepting A Gift From A Kaafir
  • Accepting A Gift From Someone Who Won The Lottery
  • Accepting A Gift No Matter How Little It Is
  • Accepting A Job In Other Than One's Specialization
  • Accepting A Living Sacrificial Animal As A Gift From A Disbeliever
  • Accepting A Second Proposal Causes Problems In Family
  • Accepting A Suitor Having Contact With Jinn
  • Accepting Charities Out Of Taxes On Alcohol Companies
  • Accepting Compensation For Injuries After Falling In A Mall
  • Accepting Credit Card Sales
  • Accepting Donations From Deviant Groups
  • Accepting Donations From Non-Muslims
  • Accepting European Values When Living In Europe
  • Accepting Extra Money From A Loan Repayment
  • Accepting Financial Support From Churches
  • Accepting Food And Water Distributed For Free
  • Accepting Food During Hindu Festival
  • Accepting Gift From Christians During Christmas
  • Accepting Gifts And Cash From Donor Whose Income Is From Bank Interest
  • Accepting Gifts From Muslims Dealing In Corruption And Bribery
  • Accepting Gifts From Non-Muslim Institutions
  • Accepting Gifts From Non-Muslims On Their Festivals
  • Accepting Gifts From The Jinn
  • Accepting Gifts Given On One's Birthday
  • Accepting Gifts On Valentine's Day Or Birthdays
  • Accepting Gold As A Gift For A Male Child
  • Accepting Hajj Expenses As A Gift
  • Accepting Interest Does Not Make It Permissible
  • Accepting Invitation Of Poor To Eat With Them
  • Accepting Islam Telling The Family
  • Accepting Islam On Condition Of Praying Only Two Daily Prayers
  • Accepting Money As A Gift From His Employer
  • Accepting Money As A Wedding Gift
  • Accepting Money Earned In American School
  • Accepting Money From Haram Sources
  • Accepting Money From Kaafirs
  • Accepting Money Given From Haraam Sources
  • Accepting Non-Muslim's Contribution To Mosque Maintenance
  • Accepting Non-Muslims' Gifts
  • Accepting Payment Of Debt In Money From Haram Sources
  • Accepting Repentance Is One Of The Attributes Of Allaah
  • Accepting Repentant Apostates In Muslim Army
  • Accepting The Gift Of An Apostate
  • Accepting The Iftaar Invitation In Ramadaan Is Not Obligatory
  • Accepting The Terms Of License Agreement Without Reading Them
  • Accepting Zakaah From Brother
  • Accessing Online Courses In Indirect Ways
  • Accidental Harms Do Not Contradict The Protection Of Allaah Of His Prophet
  • Accidental Mistakes Are Predestined By Allah But Pardonable
  • Accidentally Hit A Child With A Car And Fled Away
  • Accidentally Hurt A Dog When Driving
  • Accidentally Killing A Non-Muslim Child While Driving
  • Accidentally Opened A Horoscope
  • Accidentally Swallowing Water While Fasting
  • Accidently Hitting Bird With Car
  • Accompanying Muslim Who Commits Acts Of Shirk To Hajj
  • Accountability For Sins Committed In A Lucid Dream
  • Accounting As A Profession
  • Accusation Against Imaam Abu Haneefah
  • Accusation Of Fornication Without Proof Is A Heinous Crime
  • Accusation Of Theft Must Be Supported With Evidence Or Confession
  • Accusation False Accusation
  • Accused Of Magic
  • Accusing A Muslim Of Drinking Wine
  • Accusing A Muslim Of Unbelief
  • Accusing A Person Of Claiming To Be A Prophet
  • Accusing A Person Of Disbelief
  • Accusing Muslim Of Disbelief Is A Grave Sin
  • Accusing Someone Of Sex Abuse Without Evidence
  • Accusing Someone Of Theft Based On Mere Suspicion
  • Accusing Specific People Of Having Done Magic To Him
  • Accusing The Prophet (Peace And Blessings Of Allaah Be Upon Him) Of Being Mentally Ill
  • Accustoming Children To Keep Good Relations With 'Abusive' Mother
  • Acid Rain Does Not Contradict Verses That Describe Rain As Pure Water
  • Acquaintance Of Muslim Girl Wants To Meet Her Parents To Ask Permission For Marriage
  • Acquire The Knowledge Of Quran And Sunnah
  • Acquires A Hajj-Permit As A Servant For Pilgrims While He Is Not
  • Acquiring Books That Include Kufr
  • Act Out The Life Of A Prophet
  • Acting
  • Acting As A Disc Jockey To Get Money For The Poor
  • Acting As If He Is Worshipping A Human
  • Acting In Opposition To One's Own Mathhab In Certain Issues
  • Acting In Theater Wearing Hijab
  • Acting Similar To Hindus During Their Festivals
  • Acting Strict Against Other Religions
  • Actions During The Prayer
  • Actions Forbidden In Ihraam Have Not And Will Not Change
  • Actions On Behalf Of Dead Persons
  • Actions Towards Overt And Covert Wrongdoing
  • Activities At The Conclusion Of Reading The Qur'An
  • Activities Before Fajr While In Menses
  • Activities In Heaven
  • Activities On Behalf Of Non-Muslims
  • Activity Of Employee Governed By Contract With Employer
  • Acts For The Dead
  • Acts For Which One Gets The Reward Of A Martyr
  • Acts Of Bid'Ah
  • Acts Of Charity On Behalf Of The Dead
  • Acts Of Disbelief Before The Age Of Puberty
  • Acts Of Hajj For Which Purity Is A Condition
  • Acts Of Hypocrisy
  • Acts Of Shirk Practiced By Some Muslims
  • Acts Of Worship While Sexually Impure
  • Acts Requiring Married Couples To Separate And Remarry
  • Acts That Make One Forbidden To Hell
  • Acts That Warrant Torment In The Grave
  • Acts That Will Cause A Person To Be Cursed By Allah
  • Actuary As A Career
  • Ad-Daarimi Was Reliable Scholar
  • Ad-Daarimi's Version Of Poisoned Sheep Story
  • Adaab Ulsharab (Drinking Manners)
  • Adam
  • Adam And Eve
  • Adam And Eve And Their Children Marrying
  • Adam And Hawwa
  • Adam's Wife How Was She Created And Where Is Her Name Mentioned?
  • Adam Children
  • Add All The Three Items Together And Give Their Zakaah
  • Addajjal
  • Addicted To Masturbation
  • Addicted To Masturbation And Watching Pornography
  • Addicted To Online Gaming
  • Addicted To Pornography And Masturbation
  • Addiction May Result From An Evil Eye
  • Adding Another Rak’ah To The Imaam’s Witr Because One Wants To Pray Some More
  • Adding Commission Of Salesperson To Bill Of Purchase
  • Adding Experience In Interest-Based Bank On Cv
  • Adding Fluoride To Drinking Water
  • Adding Gold And Silver Together For Zakah
  • Adding The Term (Wa Barakaatuh) In Tasleem
  • Adding Water On Which Ruqyah Was Not Performed On Water On Which Ruqyah Was Performed
  • Adding Water To Zam-Zam To Increase It
  • Adding Women To Facebook Is A Means Of Temptation
  • Additional Premium Payment For Double Life Insurance Coverage
  • Additions To Name "raihan"
  • Additive To Bakery Products
  • Addressing Allaah With 'Dear Allaah' In Prayer
  • Addressing Allaah With Third Person Pronoun
  • Addressing Detailed Matters Of Faith
  • Addressing Difficulties Some May Experience In Observing Prayer Regularly
  • Addressing Non-Muslims With 'sir' Or 'Dear' Or The Like
  • Addressing One Of The Companions, May Allaah Be Pleased With Them, With "o My Beloved"
  • Addressing Parents Done With Best Expressions
  • Addressing Prayers To The Prophet
  • Adha Eid Mubarak
  • Adhaan And Iqaamah When Praying Alone
  • Adhan New Born
  • Adhan Ruling
  • Adhere To The Hijab And Be Patient Over Harm
  • Adherence To Islam Determines The Degree Of Affection For The Believer
  • Adherence To The Sharee'Ah-Approved Dress Code Of The Woman Is An Expression Of Being Proud Of Her Religion
  • Adhering To The Sunnah At Difficult Times
  • Adhkaar Al-Wudoo' (Du'Aa's To Be Recited When Doing Wudoo')
  • Adjusting Loans According To Inflation Is Forbidden
  • Adjusting Picture To Use As Phone Wallpaper
  • Admiring Good Quality In Disbeliever Or Sinner
  • Admiring Oneself After Doing A Good Deed
  • Admitted To College But Had Cheated In High School Exams
  • Admitting A Retarded Child In Non-Muslim School
  • Admitting Sins After Returning Into Islam Right Or Wrong?
  • Admonishing People Gathering For The Funeral Prayer
  • Adopted Child And A Gift By Will
  • Adopted His Brother's Daughter And Forbids Her Relatives From Seeing Her
  • Adopting Children
  • Adoption
  • Adoption In Islam
  • Adoption Is Haraam And Has Nothing To Do With Inheritance
  • Adoption Inheritance
  • Adoption Prohibited In Islam
  • Adoption The Islamic View Of It And The Proper Way To Do It
  • Adoring Yourself In Front Of Men Is Not Disbelief
  • Adorning Male Infants With Gold
  • Adult Breastfeeding Was A Particular Case Of Sahlah And Saalim
  • Adult Brother And Sister Sleeping Together
  • Adult Brothers And Sisters Sharing The Same Room
  • Adult Children Leaving Parents' Home To Live Separately
  • Adult Children Showing Affection To Their Parents
  • Adult Daughters Can Stay With Divorced Mother
  • Adult Male With Pierced Ear Is Deemed A Faasiq Until He Repents
  • Adult Man Asking Parents To Buy Him Pair Of Shoes
  • Adult Son Has Choice To Live With Parents Or Not
  • Adulterer May Trace His Illegitimate Child Back To Himself According To Some Scholars
  • Adulterous Husband Wants Wife To Sever Ties With Family
  • Adulterous Wife Loses Right To Custody Of Children
  • Adulterous Wife Wants Advice
  • Adultery
  • Adultery The Islamic Ruling On It
  • Adultery As Cheating
  • Adultery Does Not Establish Lineage Or Affect Marriage
  • Adultery Is Not Proven By Mere Accusations
  • Adults Watching Cartoons
  • Advantages Of Keeping The Beard And Trimming The Mustache
  • Advertising Forbidden Jobs
  • Advertising On Ebay In Presence Of Riba Ads On The Same Page
  • Advertising Products That Have Pictures Of Women
  • Advertizing Property Whose Selling Might Contain Interest
  • Advice After Ramadaan
  • Advice Against Sufi Groups
  • Advice In Pilgrimage Is Cooperation In Righteousness
  • Advice To An Imaam Who Shaves His Beard
  • Advice To Parents, Elders
  • Advice To Those Under The Influence Of Magic
  • Advice To Those Who Visit Chat Rooms
  • Advice To Women Who Do Not Abide By Proper Hijab
  • Advice Separating Women From Non-Mahram* Men In Family Visits
  • Advising A Friend About Dangers Of Chatting On The Internet
  • Advising A Person To His Face
  • Advising Husband If He Commits A Prohibited Deed
  • Advising Husband To Take Second Wife To Have Children
  • Advising Muslim Men And Women Not To Mix In Public
  • Advising One Who Does Not Pray
  • Advising Someone From Hadeeth Without Knowing Number, Text, Etc
  • Advising The One Who Publicly Breaks His Fast In Ramadan Even For A Valid Excuse
  • Affect Of Hajj On The Soul And Life Of A Muslim
  • Affected By Whispers About The Transfer Of Impurity From Her Hands
  • Affected With Whispers
  • Affected With Whispers About A Vow
  • Affected With Whispers About Articulation Of Letters Properly In Prayer
  • Affected With Whispers About Divorce
  • Affected With Whispers About Impurity
  • Affected With Whispers About Impurity On His Shoes
  • Affected With Whispers About Kufr
  • Affected With Whispers About Prayer
  • Affected With Whispers About Purity
  • Affected With Whispers About Vaginal Discharges And Purity
  • Affected With Whispers And Asks So Many In-Depth Questions
  • Affected With Whispers And Asks So Many Questions
  • Affected With Whispers While Performing Ablution
  • Affects Of The Articles Of Faith Up On Muslims
  • Affirming Suckling By The Testimony Of One Woman
  • Afflicted By Witchcraft
  • Afflicted With Trials And Suspects Evil-Eye
  • Affliction Requires Patience And Expecting Reward From Allah
  • Afraid That Allaah Will Not Accept Her Deeds Because Her Parents Are Not Pleased With Her
  • Afraid That She May Die Before Settling Her Debts
  • Afraid That She Might Have Been Neglectful Towards Her Dead Mother
  • Afraid To Have Children Due To Her Childhood Bad Experience
  • Afraid To Join Her Uncaring Husband In Another Country
  • Afraid To Let His Brother Borrow With Riba While He Has The Money He Needs
  • Afraid To Neglect Her Husband If She Resides With Her Sick Mother
  • Afraid To Reconcile With Her Husband Who Abandoned Her
  • Afraid To Reconcile With His Wife
  • Afraid To Remove A Mole On His Cheek
  • Afraid To Study In Another City And Leave Her Sick Mother
  • Afraid To Tell Her Husband About Her Debt
  • After Completing The Obligatory Hajj Should Hajj Be Repeated Or Umrah Only?
  • After Death Donation
  • After Divorce The Father Neglects Or Abandons His Children
  • After Finishing The Prayer, In Which Direction Should The Imaam Face Towards?
  • After Intercourse She Had Menses Should She Perform Ghusl For Janaabah
  • After Knowing Her Past He Promised Marriage, But Abandoned Her
  • After Miscarriage She Got Pregnant Again But Feels Possessed By Jinn
  • After Nikah His Mother Wants Him To Wait 2 Years
  • After Prayer Supplication Repeated 10, 15, 25 Times
  • After Returning Home He Found That His ^a??umrah Was Void
  • After Revealing A Woman's ^a??awrah Is One Permitted To Marry Her?
  • After Tasleem, He Doubts That He Has Done One Prostration
  • Aga Khan
  • Age Difference And Debt Are Not Impediments To Marriage
  • Age Difference Between Bride And Suitor Is Not A Factor
  • Age Difference Between Prophet, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, And Abu Bakr, 'Umar And 'Uthmaan
  • Age For Circumcising Male Children
  • Age For Fasting
  • Age Of 'Aa'Ishah, May Allaah Be Pleased With Her, At Her Marriage
  • Age Of 'Ali And Faatimah When They Got Married
  • Age Of ^a??amr Ibn Al-^a??aas When His Son ^a??abdullah Was Born
  • Age Of Boys Woman Is Required To Cover Head In Front Of
  • Age Of Marrying In Islam
  • Age Of Reaching Puberty
  • Age Of Umm Kulthum When She Married Umar, May Allaah Be Pleased With Him
  • Age Of Women In Paradise
  • Age To Belief In One God
  • Age When A Boy May Stay Out All Day Or Be Away With Friends
  • Aged Grandmother Is Marrying For The Third Time
  • Ages Of Grooms And Brides
  • Aghakhaaniyyah Its Origin And Beliefs
  • Aging Parents Being Difficult With Son
  • Aging, Unwed Female Worried About Her Future
  • Agreed To Marry Him And Contract Was Conducted Without Her Knowledge
  • Agreed To Sell For A Price But Another Buyer Offered More Money
  • Agreed-Upon Foundations Of Islam
  • Agreeing To Conditions On A Government Support Application
  • Agreement On Government Website Stipulates That One Should Search For Work 35 Hours Per Week To Get Unemployment Benefit
  • Agreement On Letting One's Divorcee Remain In Official Papers As His Wife
  • Ahaadeeth About Honoring Scholars
  • Ahaadeeth About Preferred Days For Hijaamah Weak
  • Ahaadeeth About Reward For Raising A Female Child
  • Ahaadeeth About The Decoration Of Mosques
  • Ahaadeeth About The Virtue Of Reading Soorah Al-Kahf
  • Ahaadeeth About Virtue Of Basmalah
  • Ahaadeeth Describing What To Do When One Meets The Dajjaal
  • Ahaadeeth Emphasizing That The Mosque Is A Place Of Learning
  • Ahaadeeth On The Excellence Of Some Foods
  • Ahaadeeth Prohibiting Marriage Among Relatives Inauthentic
  • Ahaadeeth Reported By Bilaal, May Allaah Be Pleased With Him
  • Ahaadeeth Saying That Afflictions Are Result Of Sins
  • Ahaadeeth Stating That Allaah's Throne Is Above The Seven Heavens
  • Ahaadeeth Whose Classification Is Not Mentioned
  • Ahadeeth By Al-Bukhaari About Ablution
  • Ahadeeth That Promise Great Reward For Good Conduct Are Conditioned
  • Ahadeeth With The Same Chain Of Narration Classified Differently
  • Ahl Al Bayt Or The Family Of Prophet Muhammad
  • Ahl Al-Bayt
  • Ahl-As-Sunna
  • Ahle Sunna Wal Jamaat
  • Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'A
  • Ahlul-Hadeeth Group In India
  • Ahlul-Kitab
  • Ahlul-Kitab- What Is Its Defination
  • Ahlus-Sunnah And Shiites Kill Each Other In Pakistan
  • Ahlus-Sunnah Methodology On The Names And Attributes Of Allaah
  • Ahmad El-Ajmy
  • Ahmad Ridha Khan
  • Ahmadies (Qadiyanis) & Sunni
  • Ahmadis And Bahais
  • Ahmadiyah In The Jewish State
  • Ahmadiyya Movement
  • Ahmadiyyah
  • Aiding His Friend By Falsifying His Address To Save Insurance Payments
  • Aiding In Tobacco Business
  • Aim Of Marriage
  • Airlines, Women's Charms
  • Aisha
  • Aisha (Blesses Be Upon Her)
  • Aisha Naming
  • Aisha, Gold For Male, Inheritance
  • Ajino Moto And Kfc Chicken
  • Akebulan What Does It Mean?
  • Akikah
  • Al Mahdi In The Sunnah
  • Al Sunnan Al Rawatib (Sunnah Prayers Associated With Fardh Prayers)
  • Al-Aathaar Was Not Authored By Abu Haneefah
  • Al-Adab Al-Mufrad Good For Teaching Children Islamic Manners
  • Al-Ahbaash (The Habashis) - A Deviant Sect
  • Al-Ahbaash Group
  • Al-Ahnaaf's Evidence For Not Reciting Al-Faatihah In Funeral Prayer
  • Al-Albaani's Comments On Al-Bukhari's 'Al-Adab Al-Mufrad'
  • Al-Albaani's Conditions For Grading The Hadeeth
  • Al-Albani And Some Ahadith In Bukhari And Muslim
  • Al-Aqsa
  • Al-Aqsa Mosque
  • Al-Aqsa Mosque And The Temple Mount
  • Al-Baydakh; A River In Paradise
  • Al-Burdah Poem Is Full Of Excessive Eulogy
  • Al-Buruj
  • Al-Faaraabi, The Philosopher
  • Al-Faatihah After A Supplication Or After Making A Remembrance
  • Al-Fakhr Ar-Raazi Was Not An Atheist
  • Al-Fal, Charms, Fortune Telling, Magic
  • Al-Feel, Quraysh, Adh-Dhuha And Ash-Sharh Are Four Separate Soorahs
  • Al-Haadi As A Company Name
  • Al-Haakimiyyah As A Branch Of Tawheed
  • Al-Hasan Al-Basri's Statement About Believers Interceding For Their Friends On The Day Of Judgment
  • Al-Hasan And Al-Husayn Are The Masters Of The Youth Of Paradise
  • Al-Hassan Ibn ^a??ali Marrying Seventy Wives
  • Al-Hijaamah (Cupping) What Islam Says About It, Its Benefits And The Times When It Should Be Done
  • Al-Hussein Ibn Salem
  • Al-Ibaadiyyah
  • Al-Khadir Was A Prophet
  • Al-Kharaaj (Wealth Collected By Islamic State)
  • Al-Khawarej
  • Al-Khidr And The Boy
  • Al-Kisaa'I's Description Of Eve As White Not Verified
  • Al-Mahdi Has The Explicit Name Of The Prophet, Sallallaahu ^a??alayhi Wa Sallam, Not His Surname
  • Al-Mahdi Leading Arabs, His Pupil Leading Non-Arabs
  • Al-Malaa'Ikah (Angels)
  • Al-Mash'Ar Al-Haraam In Muzdalifah
  • Al-Munkar (Forbidden And Evil Deeds)
  • Al-Muwahhidoon Monotheists
  • Al-Qadariyyah (Anti-Fatalists)
  • Al-Ruqiya From Evil Eye Ain
  • Al-Salafiyah And Islam
  • Al-Wadiah (Deposits) And Its Types
  • Alawites
  • Alcohol
  • Alcohol And Prayer
  • Alcohol Existing In Food Naturally
  • Alcohol In Coca Cola
  • Alcohol In Cosmetics
  • Alcohol In Medicine
  • Alcohol In Mouth Wash And Perfumes
  • Alcohol In Perfume
  • Alcohol In Perfumes
  • Alcohol In Pizza
  • Alcohol Is Forbidden In Islam
  • Alcohol-Free Drinks Produced By A Company Which Produces Alcoholic Drinks
  • Alcohol Alcohol
  • Alcohol Cooking
  • Alcohol Gift
  • Alcohol In Soft Drinks
  • Alcohol Medicinal Purposes
  • Alcohol Medicine
  • Alcohol Perfumes
  • Alcohol Physical Use Of
  • Alcohol Products Of
  • Alcohol Prophets
  • Alcohol Selling
  • Alcohol Sleeping
  • Alcoholic
  • Alcoholic Wife
  • Ali ( R), Muharam & Karbala
  • Ali (May Allah Be Pleased With Him)
  • Alimont (Nafaqah)
  • All Afflictions Predetermined By Allah
  • All Categories Of Martyrs Are Not Equal In Reward In All Aspects
  • All Cleaning Detergents Are Lawful To Use Unless They Contain Something Forbidden
  • All Creatures Are Submissive To Allaah Either Willingly Or Unwillingly
  • All Malice Removed From Hearts Of People Of Paradise
  • All Of Mankind Will Be Gathered In Land Of Al-Hashr
  • All Parts Of Halaal Animal Halaal To Eat
  • All Parts Of The Swine Are Forbidden
  • All People Equal In Paradise
  • All People On Earth Descendants Of Nooh (Noah)
  • All Prophets After Noah And Abraham Are From Their Descendants
  • All Questions Are Worthy Of Asking
  • All Sea Animals Are Lawful To Eat Except If Harmful
  • All Substances Are Pure In Principle
  • All The Followers Of The Various Sects Of The This Ummah Will Be In Hell Apart From One
  • All The Verses Of The Quran Should Be Understood Literally
  • All The Wives Of The Prophet, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, Were Muslims
  • All Types Of Riba Are Prohibited, Not Just What Is Doubled And Multiplied
  • Allaah Accepts The Repentance Of The One Who Repents
  • Allaah Alone Gives Life And Causes Death And People Are Just Means For That
  • Allaah Alone Is Sufficient For All His Slaves
  • Allaah Asking The Angels About The State They Left People
  • Allaah Blaming His Prophets, May Allaah Exalt Their Mention
  • Allaah Causes Illness While Contagion Is A Means Through Which Allaah Effects His Decree
  • Allaah Chains The Rebellious Jinn And They May Retain Their Disbelief
  • Allaah Creates Whatever He Wills, Whenever He Wills
  • Allaah Decrees Nothing But Good For His Slave
  • Allaah Did Not Punish The Jews With The Sin Of Their Ancestors
  • Allaah Does Not Accept The Repentance Of An Innovator Until
  • Allaah Does Not Overburden A Person Beyond His Scope
  • Allaah Does Whatever He Wills Whenever And However He Wills
  • Allaah Elevates People By Virtue Of The Quran
  • Allaah Forbade Dead Meat Because Of Its Harm On The Religion And Body Of The Person
  • Allaah Forgives And Punishes Whomever He Wills
  • Allaah Guarantees Sustenance Of His Creation
  • Allaah Had Created The Water Before Creating The Throne
  • Allaah Has Permitted Trading And Forbidden Ribaa
  • Allaah Has Promised Us Victory If We Fulfill Its Conditions
  • Allaah Has Replaced These Two Days With Something Better
  • Allaah Helps His Slave As Long As His Slave Helps His Muslim Brother
  • Allaah Is Above His Throne
  • Allaah Is Above Paradise
  • Allaah Is All-Aware Of Everything?
  • Allaah Is Bashful Of Whoever Is Shameful
  • Allaah Is Beautiful And Likes Beauty
  • Allaah Is Not Named 'Lawgiver' (Musharri'), But He Does Give The Law
  • Allaah Is Sufficient For His Slaves
  • Allaah Listens To His Slaves As They Recite The Quran
  • Allaah Makes Devils Allies To Unbelievers And Unbelievers Choose To Take Devils As Allies
  • Allaah May Inspire Person Who Supplicates Him With Solution To His Problems
  • Allaah Permits Trade
  • Allaah Predestined Menses On Women
  • Allaah Predestined That The Jews Killed Prophets
  • Allaah Punishes Based On Justice And Rewards As A Favor
  • Allaah Punishes Only After Sending Messengers, Although People Born With Fitrah
  • Allaah The Almighty Allows People To Know About The Unseen
  • Allaah The Almighty Has A Foot In A Way That Suits His Greatness
  • Allaah The Almighty May Reveal Some Unseen Matters Through Visions Or Inspiration
  • Allaah Will Not Expose His Slave To Two States Of Fear
  • Allaah Will Not Speak With Him Who Takes A False Oath Thereby To Promote A Commodity
  • Allaah Will Turn Animals On The Day Of Judgement Into Dust
  • Allaah's Acts Are Not Without Wisdom
  • Allaah's Decree For One's Death
  • Allaah's First Created Thing
  • Allaah's Happiness Does Not Resemble Creations' Happiness
  • Allaah's Location
  • Allaah's Swearing By Himself In The Quran
  • Allaah's Treatment Of Muslims Who Disobey Him
  • Allaah's Wisdom In Giving A Pleasant Life To People Who Harm Others
  • Allah 'Pairing' People
  • Allah ( Swt )
  • Allah ( Swt ) Is He A Part Of The Universe?
  • Allah ( Swt ) Name
  • Allah ( Swt ) The Use Of 'I' & 'We' To Mean God
  • Allah ( Swt ) Why Is He Refferd To As 'He'?
  • Allah Almighty Only Knower Of Unseen
  • Allah Changing His Image On The Day Of Resurrection
  • Allah Chooses Some People To Be Born To Muslim Families And Others Not
  • Allah Created All Things, Whether Lawful Or Unlawful
  • Allah Does Not Forgive Shirk If A Person Dies While Persisting On It
  • Allah Does Not Want To Place You In Difficulty, But He Wants To Purify You
  • Allah Forgives All Sins Except
  • Allah Forgives All Sins With Sincere Repentance
  • Allah Gets Angry With Those Who Do Not Supplicate Him
  • Allah Has A Face That Befits His Majesty And There Is Nothing Like Unto Him
  • Allah Has The Supreme Power
  • Allah Is Above His Throne And He Is Close To Us By His Knowledge
  • Allah Is All-Seeing
  • Allah Is Free From Deficiency And Nothing Is Like Unto Him
  • Allah Is Free From Every Deficiency
  • Allah Is Greater Than Everything
  • Allah Is Merciful
  • Allah Is Not A Synonym For God
  • Allah Is Severe In Punishment And Allah Is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful
  • Allah Knew The Fate Of People Before Creating Them
  • Allah May Answer Prayers Of Disbeliever
  • Allah Preferred Prophet Muhammad Over Other Prophets
  • Allah Prevents The Sky From Falling On The Earth
  • Allah Sees Himself - Hadeeth About Lowering Rope Into Well
  • Allah Speaks Of Himself In Plural Form In Qur'An
  • Allah Uses "we" In The Qur'An To Refer To Himself
  • Allah's 99 Names
  • Allah's Attributes Are As High As His Superiority And Exaltedness
  • Allah's Entity And Human Perception
  • Allah's Existence
  • Allah's Eyes
  • Allah's Messengers And Prophets
  • Allah's Names
  • Allah's Use Of Personal References To Himself
  • Allah's Will And His Foreknowledge
  • Allah's Will And Man's Choice
  • Allah's Will And Man's Doing
  • Allah's Will That Parents Of Prophet, Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, Be In Hell
  • Allah's Will Iraqi Invasion Of Kuwait
  • Allah's Nearness
  • Allah Appearence Of Word In Quran
  • Allah Name
  • Allah The Use Of 'I' & 'We' To Mean God
  • Allegations On The Infallibility Of The Prophets And Their Refutations
  • Alligators And Crocodiles Are Unlawful To Eat
  • Allowance In Necessity
  • Allowing A Beggar To Beg In The Mosque
  • Allowing A Friend To Name One's Newborn Baby
  • Allowing Children To Touch The Quran
  • Allowing Customers To Bring Their Own Alcohol
  • Allowing Muslims To Slaughter Their Own
  • Allowing Wife To Sell Imitation Jewelry To Women
  • Allowing Wife To Work On Condition She Provides For Herself
  • Allowing Wine In Byo Restaurants
  • Allowing Women To Pray In The Masjid
  • Allowing Wrongdoing Is Equally Sinful
  • Already Prayed In One Mosque And Go To Another And Find People Still Praying
  • Alternative To Mortgage
  • Although A Conditional Vow Is Disliked, It Must Be Fulfilled
  • Although Predestined By Allaah The Almighty, Man Acts On His Own Will
  • Although She Sees True Dreams, She Lies Sometimes
  • Always Has Nightmares About Someone Raping Her
  • Always Perform Istikhaarah (The Guidance Prayer)
  • Amana Delivering The
  • Ambiguity In Shu'Bah's Hadeeth About Shortening Prayers
  • Ambition Versus Fate And Divine Decree
  • American Muslim Council
  • American Wife Refuses To Accept Islam, Drinks, And Keeps A Dog
  • Amin Al-Husseini,
  • Amir & Khalifa
  • Among Scantily Clad Female Students In Usa
  • Amongst My Companions There Would Be Twelve Hypocrites
  • Amount Of Estate And Beneficiaries Unspecified In Will
  • Amount Of Mahr
  • Amount Of Time Permitted For Workers To Perform Prayer
  • Amount Of Water Used In Treating Victim Of Evil Eye
  • Amount Of Zakatul-Fitr
  • Amputation A Punishment To Fit The Crime
  • Amulets Containing Quran And Supplications
  • Amusement Park Rides For Muslim Women
  • Amway Network Marketing
  • An Absentee Funeral Prayer
  • An Abused Wife May Ask For Khul'
  • An Abyssinian Will Demolish The Ka'Bah
  • An Acknowledgement On Behalf Of A Non-Heir During One's Last Sickness
  • An Actor Divorcing His Wife In Drama
  • An Administrator Of An Inherited Estate Has No Right To Refuse Its Distribution
  • An Adopted Son Has No Share In The Inheritance
  • An Adult Daughter May Stay With Her Divorced Mother Who Remarried
  • An Adult, Sane, Unmarried Woman Can Live Wherever She Wishes With Some Conditions
  • An Adulterer Marrying A Chaste Woman
  • An Adulterer Marrying A Religious Girl
  • An Agent Charging His Fees On A Percentage Basis
  • An Agent Must Abide By What He Is Deputized To Do
  • An Agent Selling A Goods At A Higher Price Than That Determined For Him
  • An Agent Selling Goods At A Higher Price Than Its Maximum Price
  • An Ambiguous Case Of Multiple Divorces
  • An Ambiguous Partnership Contract
  • An Amount Of Money Equal To Nisaab Should Be Possessed For A Whole Lunar Year
  • An Angry Father Should Be Advised Kindly And Gently
  • An Animal Bears Witness That Muhammad Is Allaah's Messenger
  • An Apostate Wife Has No Right To Custody Of Her Muslim Children
  • An Art Teacher As A Career
  • An Asexual Girl Is Not Obliged To Tell Her Suitor About Her Condition
  • An Atheist Questions The Legality Of Circumcision
  • An Employee Accepting Gifts From Clients
  • An Employee Accepting Gifts Of Money From Clients
  • An Employee Asking For A Salary Increment
  • An Employee Attending A Class Which Contradicts Islamic Creeds
  • An Employee Being Involved In A Usurious Contract Before Its Final Stage
  • An Employee Carrying Out Private Work During Working Hours
  • An Employee Fulfilling His Clients's Transactions In Another Agency
  • An Employee Given A Bonus By His Company Whose Money Is Mixed
  • An Employee Given An Interest Free Loan But In Case Of His Resignation He Will Be Charged Interest
  • An Employee Going Home During Her Break Time To Perform Prayer
  • An Employee Has To Fulfil The Conditions Of His Work
  • An Employee Is Responsible For Any Loss He Deliberately Causes His Employer
  • An Employee Managing To Get A Tax Return For His Company
  • An Employee Offered A Gift That Has To Do With His Work
  • An Employee Partially Rents A Flat Provided By His Employer
  • An Employee Submitting Forged Bills To Get A Refund On Medical Care
  • An Employee Taking A Commission From The Companies Dealing With His Organization
  • An Employee Taking A Travel Allowance More Than He Actually Spends
  • An Employee Taking Idle Material From The Company He Works In
  • An Employee Taking Parking Compensation From Work While He Walks To Work
  • An Employee Using His Company's Computer And Internet To Learn Computer Science
  • An Employee Wants To Upgrade A House Whose Rent Is Paid By His Employer
  • An Engaged Couple Calling Each Other Husband And Wife
  • An Engagement Does Not Require Specific Expressions
  • An Heir Is Entitled To Due Share Even If He Dies Before Division Of Estate
  • An Heir Is Not Entitled To More Than His Legal Share Of Inheritance
  • An Ignorant Or Mistaken Muslim Committing An Act Of Disbelief
  • An Illegitimate Child Is Not Traced To The Adulterer
  • An Illegitimate Son From A Man Who Wants To Marry Another Woman
  • An Illegitimate Son May Lead Prayer And Bury His Mother
  • An Imaam Beautifying His Voice While Reciting Quran
  • An Imaam Forgetting The Additional Takbeers In `eed Prayer
  • An Imaam Stood For Third Rak'Ah And Then Sat Back Again For Tashahhud
  • An Impermissible Method To Cure Premature Ejaculation
  • An Important Issue Related To The Prostration Of Forgetfulness
  • An Imprisoned Scholar Has The Right To Issue Fatwa
  • An Improper Question That No Believer Would Approve Of
  • An Inauthentic Hadeeth About Gog And Magog
  • An Inauthentic Story Of The Deer That Talked To The Prophet, Sallallaahu ^a??alayhi Wa Sallam
  • An Incorrect Hadith About The Excuses Of People On The Day Of Judgment
  • An Indebted Person Offering A Sacrifice On ^a??eed Al-Adhha
  • An Indebted Person Spending On Things He Does Not Need
  • An Individual Muslim Is Required To Have General Not Detailed Knowledge About Faith
  • An Inheritance Dispute Over An Unclear Will
  • An Inheritance Not Distributed A Long Time Ago
  • An Inheritor Dies Before The Distribution Of The Inheritance
  • An Innovated Prayer To Help In Memorizing The Quran
  • An Innovator Challenges Sahih Bukhari
  • An Insolvent Son Is Not Sinful For Not Spending On His Parents
  • An Invalid Marriage Does Not Require Divorce To Be Terminated
  • An Invalid Sharecropping Contract
  • An Irrevocably Divorced Woman May Spend Her 'Iddah Anywhere But Not Travel
  • An Islamic Bank Offering A Fixed Profit Rate
  • An Islamic Bank Taking A Specific Interest Rate When Selling A Car
  • An Islamic School Hiring A Non-Muslim Teacher
  • An Islamic Song About Yousuf (Joseph), May Allaah Exalt His Mention
  • An Item That Involves Riba In Paypal And Alipay User Agreement
  • An Oath To Donate
  • An Obscene Woman Stopped Being So When Fed By The Prophet
  • An Old Father With High Blood Pressure Uttering Metaphors Of Divorce
  • An Old Man Became Capable To Fast After Expiating
  • An Old Woman Living Alone With An Alien Old Man
  • An Organization Collects Money From Its Members To Help Families Of The Deceased
  • An Overview Of Al-Adab Al-Mufrad And Riyaadh As-Saaliheen
  • An Umbrella To Protect People Circumambulating Around The Ka'Bah
  • An Unauthentic Narration About The Minor Signs Of The Hour
  • An Unauthentic Narration About The Rock Of Jerusalem
  • An Unauthentic Narration About Women Who Do Not Wear Hijab
  • An Unauthentic Story About ^a??umar, May Allaah Be Pleased With Him
  • An Unauthentic Story About Prophet Moosa's Companion In Paradise
  • An Unmarried Woman Choosing A Married Man In Paradise
  • An Unreliable Narration About The Wife Of Al-'Azeez
  • An Unspecified Set Of Gold As Mahr
  • An Unuttered Oath
  • Anaasheed Accompanied By Music Do Not Necessarily Entail Mocking The Religion
  • Anal Contact With Wives
  • Anal Foreplay Between Husband And Wife
  • Anal Intercourse
  • Anal Intercourse During Ramadan Daytime Necessitates Strict Major Expiation
  • Anal Intercourse In Marriage And Divorce
  • Anal Intercourse With One's Wife
  • Anal Intercourse- Is It Forbidden?
  • Anal Intercourse/transplantation Of Private Parts
  • Anal Sex In Marriage
  • Anal Sex Is Absolutely Prohibited
  • Anal Sex Strictly Forbidden
  • Anal Sex With One's Wife
  • Anal Sex With Wife's Consent
  • Anal Sex With Wife; Thinks He's Divorced
  • Anatomy
  • And Make Ready Against Them All You Can Of Power
  • And The Face Of Your Lord, Holder Of Majesty And Honor, Will Remain
  • Anesthetizing The Animal Before Slaughtering It
  • Angel Delays Writing The Sin For Six Hours
  • Angel Gabriel
  • Angel Of Death Seizes Many Souls Simultaneously
  • Angel Of Death Taking Many Souls At The Same Time
  • Angels And Paradise
  • Angels Are Inhabitants Of Heavens
  • Angels Avoid Homes With Picture Of Living Creatures
  • Angels Being Photographed
  • Angels Come To People In Succession By Night And Day
  • Angels Descend Upon Reciter Of Quran
  • Angels Do Die
  • Angels Do Not Eat, Drink Or Sleep
  • Angels In The Form Of Human-Beings
  • Angels Praying The Funeral Prayer For Prophet Muhammad, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam
  • Angels Read Quran And Enacting Fate In The Universe
  • Angels Recording Our Deeds And The Need For Such A Record
  • Angels Taking The Shape Of Human Beings It Does Not Mean That They Lie
  • Angels' Bodies
  • Angels' Knowledge Of Adam Before His Creation
  • Angels Good Health
  • Angels Issrafeel
  • Angels Mikail & Isra'Eel- What Is Their Duty/job?
  • Anger At Person Who Insults One's Womenfolk
  • Anger
  • Anger Angry With Fellow Muslim
  • Animal Burial
  • Animal By-Products Business
  • Animal Charms For Bracelet
  • Animal Doctor Treating Dogs And Cats
  • Animal Experiments
  • Animal Extract As Medicine
  • Animal For Sacrifice, Accidental Death
  • Animal Is Still Halaal If Head Mistakenly Severed When Slaughtered
  • Animal's Rights In Islam
  • Animals Cannot Be Described As Muslims Or Non-Muslims
  • Animals Hear The Voices From Those Tormented In Graves
  • Animals Pets Desexing
  • Animals Slaughtered By Magi Unlawful To Eat
  • Animals Supplicate Allaah And Glorify Him
  • Animals Will Be Resurrected On The Day Of Judgment
  • Animated Images Or Sculptures Are Inevitably Everywhere
  • Animated Objects For Children
  • Animated Tv Cartoons
  • Anniversaries Observing Death Anniversaries
  • Announced In Writing His Only Daughter As A Nominee For His Inheritance
  • Announcement Of Communal Iftaar In The Mosque For Whoever Fasted
  • Announcing A Death In The Mosque
  • Announcing About A Lost Child In The Mosque
  • Announcing Bigger Dowry Than One Agreed Upon In Secret
  • Announcing Person's Death Through Masjid's Loudspeakers
  • Announcing The Marriage Is Only Recommended And Not Obligatory
  • Annulling Engagement Does Not Require Expiation
  • Annulment Of Marriage
  • Anonymous Chatting On The Internet
  • Another Creation After The Day Of Resurrection
  • Answer Father's Call Or Start Prayer
  • Answered 'Yes' Instead Of Bride During The Wedding Ceremony
  • Answering A Misconception About Bank Interests
  • Answering Child's Question Who Created Allaah?
  • Answering One Of The Two Wives About The Relation With The Other
  • Answering Prayers
  • Answering Question About Mother's Occupation Is Not Diyaathah (Lack Of Jealousy For One's Womenfolk)
  • Answering Questions About Homosexuality
  • Answering Questions About Shirk Or Kufr In Exams
  • Answering Questions About Wearing Hijab
  • Answering Salaam Greeting By Email
  • Answering Some Misconceptions About Women In Islam
  • Answering Some Questions Asked By Christians
  • Answering The Phone
  • Answering The Phone With "salaam" In A Non-Muslim Country
  • Answering The Telephone Whilst Praying
  • Answering Those Who Claim That Idols Answer Their Supplications
  • Answering Those Who Say That Zakah Is Due Only Once
  • Answering Written Salaam May Be Done Orally
  • Answers
  • Answers To Qur'Anic Verses
  • Answers Send Privatly By E-Mail
  • Anti-Christ
  • Ants Killing
  • Anwaa‘ Al-Mahabbah (Types Of Loving) And The Ruling Concerning Them
  • Anxious About Not Being Married
  • Any Act Of Worship For Other Than Allaah Is An Act Of Disbelief
  • Any Game That Involves Gambling Is Prohibited
  • Any Loan That Produces Profit Is Ribaa
  • Any Participation In A Good Act Entitles The Person For An Equivalent Reward
  • Any Permissible Action Can Be Act Of Obedience Due To Intention
  • Any Prayer Is Sufficient For Voluntary Prayer After Wudhoo' And Tahiyyat-Ul-Masjid
  • Any Pure Place Is Fit For Prayer
  • Any Thing She Gets Beyond Her Necessity Is Haram
  • Anyone Who Claims There Is A Prophet After Muhammad, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, Is A Disbeliever
  • Anyone Who Drinks Wine Allaah Will Not Accept Prayer From Him For 40 Days
  • Anything That A Dog Licks Becomes Impure
  • Anything That Causes Drunkenness Is Prohibited
  • Anything That Leads To Haram Is Haram
  • Anything Which Prevents Purity From Sexual Defilement Must Be Removed
  • Apostasy Must Be Confirmed Before Exclusion From Inheritance
  • Apostasy Asking To Be Taught About All Religions
  • Apostate Must Repent And Embrace Islam Before Marrying Muslim
  • Apostated When He Was Young
  • Apparent And Hidden Means For Making Qiyaam Easy
  • Apparent Lawfulness Of A Company Sufficient To Permit Investing In It
  • Apparently, This Qudsi Hadeeth Is Fabricated
  • Appealing To Allah Through The Prophet's Companions
  • Appearance Of The Mahdi And The Dajjal
  • Applied Moisturizing Cream On Her Body Is Ghusl Valid
  • Applying Manmade Laws
  • Applying A Specific Period Of Time For Family Planning
  • Applying Antiperspirant After Putting On Ihram Clothes
  • Applying Cocoa Butter To Lips During Fasting
  • Applying Cream On Face, Hands, Etc, During Fast
  • Applying Creams To The Skin Does Not Break The Fast
  • Applying Food As A Beautification
  • Applying For A Job For Which Somebody Else Has Applied
  • Applying For A Job With A Forged Certificate
  • Applying For British Passport For Business Purposes Only
  • Applying For Family Visa With Fake Documents
  • Applying For Free Hajj Or ^a??umrah Or Scholarships
  • Applying For Funds
  • Applying Honey On Wife's Body And Licking It
  • Applying Ithmid (Antimony) To The Eyes
  • Applying Lemon On The Armpit Before Using Deodorant
  • Applying Nail Polish Claimed To Be Non-Waterproof
  • Applying Penalties In Islam (Hudud)
  • Applying Perfume Before Making The Intention For Assuming Ihram
  • Applying Petroleum Jelly, Oil, Or Cream Before Ablution
  • Applying Scent To The Prayer Mat
  • Applying Soap, Cream And Ointment To The Skin Of The Fasting Person
  • Applying The Hadd On The Supreme Muslim Ruler If He Commits A Crime
  • Applying The Law Of Allaah, Even If There Are Only A Small Amount Of Muslims
  • Applying Weak Ahaadeeth In Virtuous Deeds Is Conditioned
  • Applying Zam-Zam Water On The Place Of Pain In The Body
  • Appointing Someone To Supervise Each Halaqah In Order To Correct Mistakes
  • Appointing A Dishonest Person To Handle Zakat In The Masjid
  • Appointing A Fixed Time For The Friday Prayer
  • Appointing A Mediator With Allah
  • Appointing A Woman To Become Proxy In Marrying Herself Off
  • Appointing An Agent For An Unknown Charge Is Invalid
  • Appointing An Agent In Marriage
  • Appointing An Ameer (Leader)
  • Appointing Mu'Aththin In Mosque
  • Apprehension About The Father's Conduct In The Family
  • Apprehension Contradicts True Reliance On Allaah
  • Appropriate Activities, Materials, Or Games For Small Children
  • Appropriate Evidence To Give A Non-Muslim
  • Appropriate Names For Muslim Children
  • Appropriate Way To Address Non-Muslims
  • Approving Licenses For Places Where Sins Are Committed
  • April Fool's Day
  • April Fools
  • Aqeeqah
  • Aqeeqah And Its Observance
  • Aqeeqah Is It An Obligation?
  • Aqeeqah It's Necessity And Time Limit
  • Aqeeqah The Purpose Of
  • Aqiqa For New Baby Boy
  • Aqiqa, The Month Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) Migrated
  • Aquikha Manner
  • Arab Lack Of Attention To Palestinian Cause
  • Arab Man Wants To Marry Her But He Is Engaged To Cousin Whom He Doesn'T Like
  • Arab Arab
  • Arabic For Muslims Who Do Not Speak It
  • Arabic Language
  • Arabic Numerals Vs European Numerals
  • Arabic Can Non-Muslims Teach Arabic?
  • Arabic Compulsary To Be A Muslim?
  • Arabic Is It A Divine Language?
  • Arabic Names For The Days Of The Week
  • Arabs Sometimes Use The Plural Form To Refer To Something Singular
  • Archery Does Not Cause Muscle Imbalance
  • Architect Not Allowed To Design Houses Bought By Riba
  • Architecture
  • Architecture Of A Muslim Family House
  • Are Muslims Fatalists?
  • Are The Ahaadeeth About Matters Of The Unseen Revelation (Wahy) From Allaah?
  • Are There Any Du’aa’s To Help One Get A Good Wife Or Husband?
  • Are All Actions Allowed Unless Specifically Prohibited Or Vice Versa?
  • Are Doctors Excused From The Obligation Of Spending The Night At Mina?
  • Are Gays Muslims?
  • Are Impurities On Clothes Of Sewage Workers Pardoned?
  • Are Islamic Groups Included In The Famous Hadeeth Regarding The Division Of The Ummah?
  • Are Masturbators Cursed?
  • Are Pedicure And Manicure Permitted In Islam?
  • Are Physical Medicines Better, Or Ruqyah And Spiritual Medicine?
  • Are Pregnant Women Obligated To Fast Or Are They Allowed Not To Do So?
  • Are Prepubescent Children Rewarded For Good Deeds?
  • Are Sperm Alive Or Do They Have No Soul?
  • Are The Isti’aadhah And Basmalah Part Of The Opening Du’aa’ Of The Prayer?
  • Are The Ahmadiya Muslims?
  • Are The Bride's Clothes And Other Needs Included In The Dowry?
  • Are The Children Obliged To Obey Their Mother In Renouncing Their Share Of Inheritance?
  • Are The Five Daily Prayers Mentioned In The Qur’aan?
  • Are The Hudood Averted By The Disbeliever's Conversion To Islam?
  • Are The Prophets Equal?
  • Are The Scholarly Differences Concerning One Who Does Not Pray And Ruling By Laws Other Than Those Revealed By Allaah To Be Taken Into Account?
  • Are The Sufi Shaykhs Really In Contact With Allaah?
  • Are The Words Spoken In A State Of Spiritual Intoxication Forgiven?
  • Are There Any Types Of Seafood That Muslims Are Not Permitted To Eat?
  • Are There Meritorious Characteristics Specific To Rajab?
  • Are There Social Classes In Islam?
  • Are These Nullifiers Of Tawheed?
  • Are We Living In The Time Of The Last Days?
  • Arguing Against The Qur’aan Using Archaeology
  • Arguing Is Disliked Inside A Mosque And Everywhere
  • Arguing With The Husband
  • Arguing With Those Skeptical About Allah's Power
  • Argument Over Whether To Keep The Partition Between Men And Women In The Mosque
  • Arms And Legs Of Allaah
  • Army Of 12 Thousand Men To Emerge From Aden-Abyan And Aid The Religion
  • Arousing Husband Using Cheap Or Vulgar Words
  • Arrangements With Girl's Uncle For Her Marriage
  • Arranging A Divorce And Marriage Documents Solely For Immigration Purposes
  • Arranging A Marriage For Pay Only To Get Citizenship
  • Arranging A Meeting Between A Fiance And His Fiancee
  • Arranging Events In Ramadan To Encourage Children To Memorize Quran And Hadeeth
  • Arranging Marriages By Consulting The Stars And Blood Types Of Partners
  • Arranging The Sale Of Gold Through Interest-Free Loans
  • Arrogance Of Arabs To Non-Arabs
  • Art, Comic Books, Video Games
  • Artificial Hair For Men
  • Artificial Insemination
  • Artificial Virginity Is Unlawful
  • As A Student She Became Overly Involved In Un-Islamic Activities
  • As A Widow What To Do Immediately After Completing ^a??iddah
  • As A Youth, He Masturbated During Ramadan
  • As-Saamiri In The Quran
  • As-Saheehayn Confirmed Authentic Based On Muslims' Continuous Transmission
  • As-Samadiyyah Verses
  • As-Silsilah Al-Uwaysiyyah Is A Sufi Innovation
  • As-Subki's Quote About Ibn Taymiyyah's Debate With Al-Hindi
  • As-Suddi And Adh-Dhahhaak
  • As-Sufyaani Is Not A Contemporary Figure
  • Ascent, Descent And Death Of Jesus
  • Ascertaining The Direction Of The Qiblah
  • Asexual Man May Not Take Girlfriends
  • Ashoura
  • Ask About The Source Of Meat
  • Ask Allaah To Bless You With A Good Muslim Wife
  • Ask For Divorce If The Situation Does Not Change
  • Ask Other Than Allah
  • Asked For Divorce Because Husband Took Second Wife
  • Asked Him To Keep A Secret And To Take An Oath On That And Then Gave Him Permission To Disclose It To His Brother
  • Asked To Alter Bills In His Company
  • Asked To Donate Clothes To A Christian Charity
  • Asking A Mujaahid To Intercede On The Day Of Judgment
  • Asking About A Person's Past
  • Asking About An Alternative To Books Of Innovated Du’aa’s And Looking For Names Of Books Of Correct Du’aa’s
  • Asking About Ingredients Of Food In Restaurant
  • Asking About The Circumstances Of Those Who Are Seeking Employment
  • Asking About The Existence Of Allah
  • Asking Allaah By The Virtue Of So And So
  • Asking Allaah That The Woman He Loves Be Divorced To Marry Her
  • Asking Allaah To Be Pleased With The Companions Is Not Bid'Ah
  • Asking Allaah To Bless Non-Muslim
  • Asking Allaah To Exalt The Mention Of Other Than The Prophets
  • Asking Allaah To Forgive Non-Muslim Children
  • Asking Allaah To Forgive The Disbelievers
  • Asking Allaah To Make One Handsome
  • Asking Allaah To Make One's Death On A Friday
  • Asking Allaah To Respond Quickly To One's Supplication
  • Asking Allah
  • Asking Allah By Virtue Of The Prophet
  • Asking Allah For Cure By The Quran
  • Asking Allah For Martyrdom To Attain Al-Firdaws Does Not Negate Sincerity
  • Asking Allah To Be Saved From The Evil Of Afflictions
  • Asking Allah To Guide All People And Give Them All Wealth And Success
  • Asking Allah To Remove Fever Without Cursing It
  • Asking Allah's Guidance Best Solution For All Problems
  • Asking And Seeking The Help Of Humans
  • Asking Blessings Upon The Mahdi
  • Asking Dead Or Absent To Fulfil Needs Of Living
  • Asking Dead To Make Supplication Is Not Polytheism But Religious Innovation
  • Asking Dead To Supplicate For Living
  • Asking Divorce
  • Asking Divorce From Adulterous Husband
  • Asking Divorce Should Be The Last Resort
  • Asking For Divorce On Account Of Groom's Inability To Have Intercourse
  • Asking For Divorce To Prevent Disease From Being Passed On To Children
  • Asking For Gift Back After Many Years
  • Asking For Khul' Because Husband Does Not Trust Most Scholars
  • Asking For Money To Make An Open Source Software Program
  • Asking For Supplication In Hardship
  • Asking For The Return Of A Sadaqa
  • Asking Forgiveness For Non-Muslim Parents Impermissible
  • Asking Forgiveness From People Before Performing Hajj
  • Asking Help From Angels
  • Asking Hypothetical Questions Is Disliked
  • Asking In-Depth Questions About The Attributes Of Allah
  • Asking Maryam For Intercession
  • Asking Non-Muslim Parents To Settle Disputes Is Not Tahaakum To Taaghoot
  • Asking Other Muslims To Supplicate For Her To Get Pregnant
  • Asking Parents In A General Manner For Forgiveness
  • Asking People For Help In General Matters
  • Asking Person To Convey Salaam
  • Asking Prophet, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, To Ask Allaah On One's Behalf
  • Asking That Gifts Be Returned After Dissolving A Relationship
  • Asking The Dead To Intercede With Allaah For The Living Is Impermissible
  • Asking The Dead To Supplicate For A Person Shirk
  • Asking The Grace For A Muslim From A Non-Muslim Ruler
  • Asking The Help Of The Jinn To Find Out About A Sickness
  • Asking The Prophet To Intercede After His Death
  • Asking The Prophet, Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, To Supplicate On One's Behalf
  • Asking The Wife To Pretend To Be Another Woman During Intercourse
  • Asking To Marry Maryam Bint 'Imraan Or Aasiyah In Paradise
  • Asking Too Many Questions About Unseen
  • Asking Useless Questions
  • Asking What Is Our Religion
  • Asking Why Something Is Mentioned In The Quran
  • Asks Her Husband For Divorce Because She Can Not Stand Living In Usa
  • Asmaa' Bint 'Umays, May Allaah Be Pleased With Her
  • Aspects Of Destiny
  • Assertions About The Prophethood Of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam
  • Assessing The Nisaab Of Bank Notes
  • Asset Financing Practiced By Usurious Banks
  • Assigning A Share Of The Capital To The Agent In Mudhaarabah
  • Assigning A Supplication To Every Daily Obligatory Prayer
  • Assigning Profit In Partnership-Mudhaarabah Contract
  • Assist Muslim Students
  • Assisting A Disbeliever To Slaughter And Eat From The Animal
  • Assisting In A Wedding Where Sexes Mix In Hijab
  • Assisting Means To Wake Up In Order To Offer The Prayer
  • Assisting Non-Muslim Friends With Their Wedding Arrangements
  • Associating Oneself With Others In The Reward Of Charity After Giving It
  • Associating With Ahmadiyya
  • Associating With Non-Muslims Living In Same Building
  • Associating With Qadiyani Members
  • Association With Others
  • Assumed Ihraam For ^a??umrah But Could Not Complete It
  • Assumed Ihraam For Hajj And Forced To Wear Form-Fitting Clothes
  • Assuming A New Ihram For Each ^a??umrah Is A Prerequisite
  • Assuming The State Of Ihraam In The Plane
  • Asthma And Fasting
  • Astrological Method Of Ovulation
  • Astrology
  • Astrology And Magic
  • Astrology And Zodiac Signs
  • Astrology, A Big Lie
  • Astrology Fortune Telling
  • Asylum Granted By Any Muslim Is To Be Secured By All Muslims
  • At Pain To Marry Him Although He Cannot Afford To Marry A Second Wife
  • At School, Her Daughter Watched An Animated Movie About The Biblical Story Of Moses
  • At What Age Are Children To Be Ordered To Fast?
  • At What Point Is A Traveler Permitted To Commence Shortening The Prayers
  • At-Tasreef Sale
  • At-Tayyib Is One Of The Beautiful Names Of Allaah
  • At-Tirmithi's Statement "there Is Nothing Wrong With Its Chain Of Narration"
  • Ate After Vomiting During Ramadan
  • Ath-Thahabi Did Not Criticize Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah
  • Ath-Thakeerah Is Prohibited Innovation
  • Athaan And Iqaamah For The Newborn And Deceased
  • Athaan Can Be Recited With Or Without Pause Between Each Pair Of Takbeer
  • Athaan Not Obligatory When Praying At Home In Congregation
  • Athan
  • Athan & Law
  • Athan & Lqama
  • Athan And Praying
  • Athan For Newborn
  • Athan Can Wordings Be Changed?
  • Athan Without Ablution
  • Athkaar And Ruqyahs Invincible Fortresses
  • Athkar After The Prayer And The Athan
  • Atonement For Broken Oath If Denied Access To Money
  • Attacked When Young And Now Wants Revenge
  • Attaining Firdaws Possible For Every Muslim
  • Attaining Steadfastness
  • Attempting To Reconcile Theory Of Evolution With Islamic Beliefs
  • Attending A Celebration Of A New-Born Baby Whose Parents Are Not Married
  • Attending A Church Wedding
  • Attending A Feast For A Child’s Birthday And Eating That Food
  • Attending A School Camp Will Make Him Miss His Prayers
  • Attending A School Dance Party For A Girl Who Did Not Reach Puberty
  • Attending A Sikh Wedding In A Sikh Temple
  • Attending A Videotaped Mixed Wedding
  • Attending A Wedding Banquet Given By The Bride's Family
  • Attending A Wedding Of A Muslim Woman Marrying A Non-Muslim
  • Attending Birthday Parties
  • Attending Birthday Parties Of Non-Muslim Colleagues To Win Them
  • Attending Catholic Funeral
  • Attending Ceremony Where Bible, Tripitak And Gita Will Be Recited
  • Attending Co-Ed College
  • Attending Funeral Of Christian Parent
  • Attending Funeral Of Non-Muslim Relative
  • Attending Hindu Pooja Rituals
  • Attending Iftaar Held By A Charity Organization
  • Attending Iftar At Restaurant That Usually Serves Alcohol
  • Attending Knowledge Circles Of A Female Teacher Who Adopts Some Wrong Opinions
  • Attending Lectures On Islam By A Jewish Professor
  • Attending Morning Prayer At A Christian School
  • Attending Nakshbandi Lectures On Your Site
  • Attending The 'Eed Khutbah Is Recommended
  • Attending The Crematorium Of A Hindu Colleague
  • Attending The Festivals Of Non-Muslims Out Of Respect For Their Culture
  • Attending The Festivals Of The Mushrikeen And Congratulating Them
  • Attending The Funeral Prayer To Avoid Bad Thoughts From Others
  • Attending The Wedding Of A Cousin Who Is An Innovator
  • Attending To A Disabled Husband Or Performing Hajj
  • Attending To The Mother While She Is Watching Tv Programs
  • Attending Wedding Ceremonies That Contain Prohibited Actions
  • Attending Wedding Of A Girl Whose Father Married His Niece
  • Attending Wedding Parties In Which There Are Objectionable Things (Munkaraat)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Attracted To A Very Young Girl And Hopes She Would Be His Wife In The Future
  • Attraction Towards A Certain Race
  • Attributes Of Munaafiqs (Hypocrites) In Chapters Al-Baqarah And Al-Munaafiqoon
  • Attributes Of The Ideal Muslim Husband
  • Attributing A Child To Other Than Its Father To Remove It From Unsafe Country
  • Attributing A Child To The Grandfather's Name Or The Mother's Name
  • Attributing Allah With Absolute Energy
  • Attributing Bad Omen To One's Words
  • Attributing Oneself To Maternal Grandfather To Gain Fame
  • Attributing Something To Its Cause
  • Audible And Inaudible Recitations In Prayer
  • Audience Clapping Hands / Making Shoes Upside Down
  • Audio Recitation Of The Quran Should Be Stopped During Sexual Intercourse
  • Auditing Accounts Of Riba-Based Banks
  • Auditing Usurious Bank Accounts In Company Records
  • Aulia A Status Or A Title
  • Aulia Miraculous Powers
  • Aunt Claims That She Sees Souls Of The Deceased
  • Aunt Wants Her To Marry Someone Who Does Not Pray
  • Aunts And Uncles Of The Prophet, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam
  • Aurah
  • Authentic Hadeeth About Salat According To Hanafi School
  • Authentic Sunnah
  • Authenticated Sunnah
  • Authenticity Of A Hadeeth
  • Authenticity Of A Hadeeth (Narration)
  • Authenticity Of A Hadith
  • Authenticity Of A Narration
  • Authenticity Of A Report That Abu Bakr Never Prostrated To An Idol
  • Authenticity Of Additional Part In Hadeeth
  • Authenticity Of Ahaadeeth About Udh-Hiyah
  • Authenticity Of Ahaadeeth Reported In Kanz Al-^a??ummaal
  • Authenticity Of Ahaadeeth Verified By Ahmad Al-Booseeri
  • Authenticity Of Ash-Shamaa'Il Al-Muhammadiyyah
  • Authenticity Of Descriptions In Ibn Al-Qayyim's Poem An-Nooniyyah
  • Authenticity Of Different Narrations
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth About 'Abdullaah Ibn Abi Sarh
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth About A Certain Thikr
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth About Commanding Children To Pray At Seven
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth About Palace Of Lowest Person In Paradise
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth About Praying Four Rak'Ahs Before 'Asr
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth Narrated By Classical Scholars
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth On Soorah Al-Baqarah
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth Pertaining To The Beard
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth That Says That The Pursuit Of Knowledge Is The Best Form Of Worship
  • Authenticity Of Hadeeth Threatening Women Who Wear Gold
  • Authenticity Of Hadith About Virtues Of Night Prayer
  • Authenticity Of Incident Of Elephant And Digging Of Zamzam
  • Authenticity Of Narrations About Raising Hands During The Prayer
  • Authenticity Of Reciting The Quran And Blowing On Water
  • Authenticity Of Sighting The Moon To Determine The Beginning Of Islamic Months
  • Authenticity Of Some Prophetic Narrations
  • Authenticity Of Story About Creation Of Aadam
  • Authenticity Of The Hadeeth 'When My Servant Reaches The Age Of '
  • Authenticity Of The Narration 'Lack Of Tears Is Due To A Hard Heart'
  • Authenticity Of Two Stories About Prophet, Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam
  • Author Of Takhreej Al-Mishkaat
  • Author Of The Book Of Magic 'shams Al-Ma'Aarif'
  • Author Wishes To Attribute Book To Other Than Himself
  • Authority Of Issuing Currencies
  • Authority Of The Quran
  • Authority To Issue Fataawa
  • Authorization In Concluding The Marital Contract
  • Authorizing A Trustworthy Person As Guardian For Property And Children Is Unobjectionable
  • Authorizing Butcher To Slaughter Sacrifice
  • Authorizing Someone To Throw Pebbles Without A Valid Excuse Entails Offering A Sacrificial Animal
  • Authorizing Wife To Divorce Herself Does Not Cancel Husband's Right To Divorce Her
  • Authorizing Wife To Issue Divorce
  • Authorship Of "interpretation Of Dreams"
  • Autopsy
  • Autralia Moslem Historycal
  • Availing Oneself Of Charity Islamic Perspective
  • Average Amount Of The Dowry
  • Avoid Anything Which Could Lead To Cheating
  • Avoid Backbiting Before It Is Too Late
  • Avoid Discord With Your Husband
  • Avoid Excessive Water Use Even If It Does Not Cost You More Money
  • Avoid Indulging In Sinful Transactions
  • Avoiding A Muslim Colleague Who Is Harming Him
  • Avoiding A Relationship While Studying In A Co-Ed University
  • Avoiding A Sin Out Of Fear Of Being Bound By The Terms Of A Vow
  • Avoiding Cheating In The First Place Is Better Than Cheating And Then Repenting
  • Avoiding Doubtful Places - Corresponding With Marriageable Man
  • Avoiding Financial Dealing With Someone Whose Earnings Are Forbidden
  • Avoiding Forms Of Hidden Shirk (Polytheism)
  • Avoiding Girls In Tunisia
  • Avoiding Hesitations
  • Avoiding Masturbation
  • Avoiding Paying Taxes On Bank Deposits
  • Avoiding Recitation Of Quran Due To Shyness
  • Avoiding Sexual Chances With Male Family Members
  • Avoiding Shirk With Knowledge Of Sound Creed
  • Avoiding Sin Out Of Fear Of The Law Of The Land
  • Avoiding Taxes And Hiding Profits From Non-Muslim Government
  • Avoiding Unpleasant Relatives
  • Avoiding Use Of The Internet For Haram Purposes
  • Awakening A 9-Year-Old Daughter To Pray Fajr
  • Awakening Sleeping Person For Prayer
  • Away From Her Parents And Wants To Perform Hajj Before Visiting Them
  • Awrah For Men
  • Ayat Al-Kursi Protects Man From The Devil While Sleeping
  • Ayatollah Khomeini
  • Aylah And Ilyaa` Are Two Different Cities
  • Azan For Friday Khutbah
  • Azhan And Iqamah