Quiz on Islamic Prophets

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Interactive Topics: Prophets Channel: Quiz Views: 779


Prophets in Islam are chosen by Allah to convey His guidance to humanity. They deliver divine revelations, exemplify virtuous lives, and guide people toward righteousness. Let's build some knowledge about prophets!


Who is NOT the son of Prophet Noah?

Correct! Wrong!

Prophet Idris is also known as Enoch. Click here for Quran References

What divine revelation did Prophet David receive?

Correct! Wrong!

Zabur is also known ar Psalms. Click here for Quran References

Who was the father of Prophet Yusuf?

Correct! Wrong!

Yusuf is known as Joseph. He was among the twelve sons of Prophet Jacob (Yakub) Click here for Quran References

Which Prophets’ camel was crippled by cutting its hamstrings?

Which Prophet was gifted with the ability to communicate with animals?

Which prophet anointed Saul as the king of the Israelites?

Correct! Wrong!

Click here for Quran References

Which prophet is often referred to as the "Friend of Allah?"

Who is the prophet mentioned as being able to interpret dreams?

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Interactive
  Topics: Prophets  Channel: Quiz
Views: 779

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